Hit Title Date Added
Sweeping The Back Yard

A key turned slowly in the latch
The creaking hinges on the door,
Did groan as it was opened
By a frail and bony hand,

Across The Field

Across the field I once did stare
Towards the woodland stark and bare
I felt the cold of autumn air
While leaves lay on the ground.

A Wonderful Friend

Now winter has melted to springtime
And the flowers bring colours so bright,
Each morning I wake with the songbirds
Embracing my heart with delight,

As I Stared At The Flame Of The Candle

As I stared at the flame of the candle
A vision I truly did see,
That told of my life and my sadness
And all that had happened to me.

Those Hands That Gave (Easter Poem)

Those hands that gave and never took
Such miracles they did perform,
To make the crippled walk again
And blessed both man and child,

A New Star In Heaven

Each life is a blessing that doesn't last long,
And ends all too suddenly it all seems so wrong,
Yet hope keeps me going through all of my pain,
That one day I can be with you once again,

Around The Lake

Around the lake the trees surround
Reflections on the water shine,
And deepest blue the autumn sky
A picture that is so divine,

Forest Of Angels

I long to breathe the warm air of the summer
Giving me life and the flowers around,
Wherever I look I see colours and beauty
Reaching for miles on the mosaic ground.

A Conversation Over The Garden Fence

Two old men talked about the past
As they leaned upon the slatted wooden fence
That creaked under the weight of their forearms.
One side was painted white

O Lasting Love That Knows No Bounds

O lasting love that knows no bounds
Why do you never come to me?
To spare my from these lonely days
So bitter and so cold,

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