Arjun Sharma

Arjun Sharma Poems


The dead body lay on the funeral pyre
Just waiting to be burned up in fire
It was the relatives who were crying
For the person in his life had never stopped trying


Food is a staple for all
Hunger is something in front of which everything would fall
Buildings of principles and morals would be demolished in a day
If food and man are kept away

India has been a land of sages
Who have roamed about the place since ages
There have been sages like Shankaracharya
Who have been true to their name of being an Acharya

If you study, you would succeed
If you play, you would fail
Meant an old Hindi proverb
Which now no longer entails

He was a drunk who would beat his wife regularly
His favourite weapon was a stick and would use it particularly
He gave several injuries to his wife
Which would turn out as marks on her body evidencing a strife

Arjun Sharma Biography

I am a Lawyer.)

The Best Poem Of Arjun Sharma


The dead body lay on the funeral pyre
Just waiting to be burned up in fire
It was the relatives who were crying
For the person in his life had never stopped trying
It is the moment of truth we all have to face
It doesn't matter if we are happy or in grimace
Death is the inevitability for all
The one who rises has always to fall
This is the dualism of life
No one can escape from it no matter how much we indulge in strife
We have only a limited amount of time on this Earth
For there are billions of lives of which there is no dearth
Everybody meets the same fate
It doesn't matter whom or how much we hate
So we must utilise our time well
For we don't know when or who will ring our bell
We must enjoy every moment as if we are about to die in the very next
For life can be truly enjoyed only on one pretext
We must appreciate that any moment can be our last
As time is ticking out of our hands very fast
Once we realise this eventuality
We will be able to look through the reality
For time belongs to no one
Today it might be mine, tomorrow it might be of someone
This is the truth of the funeral pyre
We take birth only to be one day burned up in fire.

Arjun Sharma Comments

ashutosh kumar upadhyay 18 November 2022

very much true.... nicely written...

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