Atticus Mortimer

Atticus Mortimer Poems

Longing for rest,
closing his eyes,
but now comes the test,
the retched lies,

I sit at the bottom of the ocean,
Thinking and pondering,
Enjoying the peace and serenity under the waves,
I wish to stay there forever,
But alas it is time to breathe...... once again.

A touch,
a kiss,
a caress,
all of these things conspiring,

When I'm gone,
Who will sing my song?
my life song, my legacy,
everything I've done and seen,


and the all came tumbling down
or so the old nursery rhyme says
oh what a correct,

If I could describe,
what I feel to you,
It would emerge like a tsunami,
crashing over everything,

A spark,
igniting a tinder box,
for the millionth time,
the rage exploding,

A light shines to me
brilliant and radiant
piercing the dark abyss
Whose dark had smothered

you cAn look right
and you can look left
but you caN't do both at the same time
it's not possible

a lullaby,
she hears it now,
as he holds her close,
deep inside his chest,


It seems to me that
blow up in my face
wrong place


Here we are again,
and more than a little distraught,

Freak, Weirdo, Nerd, and Ugly
these are just words,
aren't they?

the Start,
the dancers appear,


blaze through the trails,

Ce' la vie,
as the French sometimes say,
and it's true,
this is Life,

Two paths in the yellow woods,
said the Frosty poet should,
we travel the beaten road?
or shall we brave the lonely path?

Our lives are ruled by it,
We obey it's heed and call,
It resides within us all,

Atticus Mortimer Biography

I, let the stories flow from my fingers, inspiring those around me, my stories escaping my lips like the caged bird flies from the cage, my pencil lets loose a flurry of poetic snowflakes, sweeping over the page, covering it in a light dusting of poetry. If you have any questions, just message me.)

The Best Poem Of Atticus Mortimer


Longing for rest,
closing his eyes,
but now comes the test,
the retched lies,
he stays awake,
Insomnia visiting him again,
His mind leaving wreckage in it's wake
and finally he realizes the stain,
The one where his heart,
once was,
and the he wishes on dreams,
to allow him to see,
and make everything stop being not as it seems,
He wants it to be simple,
But just as He thinks of Her,
He succumbs to sleep.

Atticus Mortimer Comments

Your Love 26 November 2017

If you ever get on here, I think you might know me. I'll always love you. My Bear.

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