Bob Gotti Poems

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The Weather Maker

The Weather Maker reigns above, creating all weather we speak of,
The One and Only True Creator, from both the poles to the equator,
Over this planet that we call earth, He’s the Only One who can birth,
All the weather that men shall see, upon all the lands and every sea.

Build Upon The Rock

Don’t build a life around anyone, but build your life upon God’s Son,
Build your life upon The Rock, God’s Cornerstone of Eternal Stock.
Through this life you will endure, on His foundation sound and sure,
By building a family in this life, in The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Teachable For God

Being teachable in God’s eyes, shall lead believers to be wise,
From instruction, read and heard, in the Truths of God’s Word,
God’s instruction we must heed, truly the believer’s daily need,
From The Eternal Word of God, to be lived in this day we trod.

What A Ride

Present life can be one big ride, but, in my life God is glorified,
As The Lord guides me through, times and places He foreknew,
Times He ordered in my life, in that I could lean on Jesus Christ,
While God leads me from above, all through this ride I speak of.

Comfort In God’s Sufficiency

God is sufficient in all things, as trials to us this life brings,
For He is The Lord over all, all our problems big and small,
Taking us from place to place, God leads us by His Grace,
As we come to another bend, God gives victory in the end.

Imputed Righteousness

My heart and mind are so depraved, yet, by God I’ve been saved,
When to me God would afford, salvation through Christ, The Lord,
Through salvation, I am forgiven, now, New Life I have been given,
Now in Christ, I’m a New Creation, all afforded by God’s Salvation.

Provided By The Bread Of Life

Even in the proverbial wilderness, we can trust in God’s faithfulness,
Looking back on what God has done, we trust in God’s Eternal Son,
When our life takes a darker turn, through a trial we continue to learn,
In the faithfulness of God above, as we rest in God’s Gracious Love.

God Is Not Dead

A man once said there is no God, I say, what a simple foolish clod,
Just look around and you will see, Creation envelopes you and me,
This world did not simply evolve, this bring an unbeliever’s resolve,
A belief to do away with God, that men confirm, with a foolish nod.

Home In Heaven

Thankfully, our home’s in Heaven, and this earth we just pass through,
On to a place where no one’s been, one special place for me and you.
Friend, our Lord, had said to us, before, to Heaven, Christ did depart,
In God and in Him, to place our trust, so not to have, a troubled heart.

Heavenly Citizenship

I’m no longer of this earth; I have been changed by a spiritual birth,
Although I still walk this sod, I now belong to the Kingdom of God.
A heavenly plane beyond this earth; in a Kingdom of Eternal Worth,
While down here, I am led by God, comforted by His staff and rod.

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