Bob Gotti Poems

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Creation’s Witness

Gazing at the sun each day, and the stars in the twilight way,
Followed by the moon each night, giving off its lesser light,
Every one suspended in place, by God’s Power and Grace,
Fixed by God, up in the sky, as God’s witness to every eye.

More Time For God

When I give God more of my all, that fleshly choice, is rather small,
I need to more than simply agree, I need to give my God, all of me.
Everything that I think is mine, was granted to me by God’s design,
Granted by God, with the thought, that from my life fruit is wrought.

The Haves And Have Nots

There are the Haves and Have Nots, men living out their cast lots,
Living their life, are all of those, on a course they have not chose,
When or where they were born, or even why, as some have sworn,
Men all living out their daily life, some in peace and some in strife.

Once Saved Always Saved

Once saved, always saved, upon His Palm we are engraved,
Engraved within God’s Hand, in The Lord, we take our stand,
All given by The Father God, to The Son with an Eternal nod,
For all those who do believe, Eternal assurance they receive.

God Uses Change

Life will surely have ups and downs, in large cities and small towns,
No one anywhere is sheltered from, changes in life when they come.
It is said when on the mountain top, be mindful that you could drop,
Back down into that valley low, at a time when you won’t even know.

Shaped For Service

We are formed by The Creator, in the image of God, our Savior,
And God created each one of us, for His pleasure and purpose,
Shaped by the Hand of God, for service while upon earth’s sod,
From His Truths there’s no escape, as God molds us into shape.

God’s Final Remnant

Judgment will start in God’s Church, among all men who weekly perch,
Upon the pews looking their best, for some, only how they’re dressed.
In God’s Judgment, sound and sure, all false believers will not endure,
Those who have knowingly denied, to make heart change deep inside.

Just Another Holiday

It is a season, a day to remember, annually, each month of December,
Originated by men of the earth, for remembrance of The Savior’s birth.
For that is the solitary reason, the world even has this Holiday season,
A Holiday that many now claim, should be observed without His Name.

Bumps In The Road

At another bump or roadblock ahead, we turn to the Lord God instead,
For what may be a hindrance to us, is just another opportunity to trust.
In our Lord God’s guiding Hand, in the times that we don’t understand,
As God woos every wandering soul, back to Him, Who reigns over all.

God’s Righteousness

God’s Righteousness was revealed, when to The Church, Paul appealed,
As he proclaimed Truth to everyone, who was saved by God’s Own Son,
Teaching every one of those, who believed in Christ, who died and rose,
Who would grant all believers in Christ, eternal hope and a righteous life.

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