Just Another Holiday Poem by Bob Gotti

Just Another Holiday

It is a season, a day to remember, annually, each month of December,
Originated by men of the earth, for remembrance of The Savior’s birth.
For that is the solitary reason, the world even has this Holiday season,
A Holiday that many now claim, should be observed without His Name.

We now have the accepted Holiday, as God’s presence is swept away,
A new Holiday, suitable to everyone, while leaving out God’s Only Son,
Replacing Christ with a jolly old man, who fits right into the devil’s plan,
And that fat old man Saint Nick, is making many people spiritually sick.

Political correctness rules the world, with much more yet to be unfurled,
That politically correct push has been, encouraged by that father of sin,
And his goal is the Lord’s demise, as he spiritually darkens men’s eyes,
Seducing men to forsake the reason, righteous men began this season.

Santa uses toys and other things, to sway youth from the King of kings,
Just another puppet of God’s foe, to sow in their hearts the devil’s woe,
As children believe in that fake, The Truth in time, they just may forsake,
Which is, God’s Truth and the reason, that we have this Holiday Season.

That is what this change is about, keeping souls, not yet in Heaven, out,
Displacing Christ from the Holiday, sending men on a much darker way,
To deny God’s Son and His birth, they’ll never see Heaven or New Earth,
But only darkness forevermore, since at Christmas they closed the door.

(Copyright ©12/2008)

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Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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