Bob Gotti Poems

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A Weary World

This world is a weary place, filled with darkness and dismay,
I need to lean upon God’s Grace, to make it through the day.
At times I need to seek His face, as my heart begins to stray.
I need to find a quiet place, a place where I can humbly pray.

The Grim Reaper

The Grim Reaper will for sure, gather men who deny The Lord,
He will soon come without delay, taking unbelieving men away.
They’ll be taken and put aside, for it was The Lord, they denied.
Separated per their own desire; to be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Guard Your Heart

When times in life do get hard, our heart and mind we must guard,
For trials can and sometimes will, cause one’s heart to not be still,
Moved by what someone might say, we could lean the wrong way,
As the devil attempts to hinder us, from fully trusting Christ Jesus.

Absence Of Fear

Where is all the fear today, in God, men know, at least they say?
Where is the fear within hearts, when from God a nation departs?
Forsaking God’s moral decrees, this, to do whatever they please,
Straying far from righteousness, to fill the land with godlessness.

Keys To The Kingdom

The keys to Heaven’s Kingdom, open up eternal things to come,
They’re keys that you do receive, when in Christ you do believe.
A Truth revealed to us from, The God of Heaven about His Son,
That His Son is indeed The Christ, and in The Son we have life.

Through Difficult Times

As things in life begin to wane, life can fill with hurt and pain,
And one may even slip into fear, as dark times do draw near,
Whether health or just this life, times that wane bring us strife,
Call them trials or even a test; they sure can try the very best.

Relying On The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is enough for me, as I’ve been sealed for eternity,
Sealed, by The Spirit of Christ, with His guarantee of Eternal Life;
The Spirit, the only teacher I need, as Truth, He helps me to heed,
Guiding me through all my days, for Christ’s Glory and His Praise.

All The Proof We Need

Believe, my friend, in God’s Truth, and your life will be the proof,
As He changes your very life, through the Power of Jesus Christ;
Then your life won’t be the same, as you believe in Jesus’ Name,
And He will use both me and you, as proof His Word is very True.

Sharing Truth

You can share Truth with men, in many ways throughout the day.
For men may not listen friend, to words of Truth you have to say.
There are those times just when, a Gospel tract could be the way.
As for God’s Truth we must contend, this my friend without delay.

Redemption’s Testimony

Does my life bring evident reality, to the souls that need to see,
The redemptive work of Jesus Christ, active in my present life?
Do they see a change within, my life, knowing who I had been?
Knowing how I lived before, I entered through Salvation’s Door.

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