Bob Gotti Poems

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Surrendering All

May God, who guides all our life, lead us in The Spirit of Christ,
To live out just what we say, while living out our faith every day,
So that our faith is more than talk, truly shining forth in our walk,
As His Spirit guides each of us, to live this life, for Christ Jesus.

Worthy Of His Calling

When true to God's heart, Truth to others God will impart,
We pass on what we know, when in God's Truth we grow,
Passing on the ways of Christ, to others who see our life,
In tribulations that we face, as we are sustained by Grace.

From All To Few

God's Truth is penned for all to see, His Truths for all of Eternity,
Penned through God's Holy Spirit, written that all men can hear it,
God's Truth for all nations to read, Truths that all men must heed,
His Truth written to every nation; leading to God's Only Salvation.

Knowing About The End

All Christians will be gathered together, to be with The Lord forever,
So in this Hope Christians find, encouragement and peace of mind;
Through all history believers endured, through the hope in The Lord,
So, we are not shaken or alarmed, for in God's Truth, we are armed.

Cornerstone Of Salvation

For believers Christ is our Cornerstone, as our salvation is in Him alone,
He's our Cornerstone and Foundation; in Him alone we obtain salvation,
Everything required for you and me, was completed by God at Calvary,
Anything added has only diminished, Christ's last words, "It is finished."

Rearranging Lives

To many, The Lord is no stranger, for He is The Great Rearranger,
Changing things in one's life, to draw them nearer to Jesus Christ,
Both those, who truly don't know, that God above, loves them so,
And those who have gone astray, to turn them back the other way.

Standing Firm In The End

In light of darkness to come, believers stand firm in God’s Son,
We are standing firm in our faith, upheld by His Love and Grace,
As judgment looms for the nation, we stand firm in His salvation,
For we were chosen by God above, saved by The Savior’s Love.

Colder Every Year

This is a crazy and cold world, with a darkness ahead, yet unfurled,
The coldness will not lessen friend, but, become greater in the end,
As the love of most will grow cold, this, from Scripture we are told,
This, from the lips of Jesus Christ, Creator and Author of every life.

Religious Deception

At times leaders known to men, perpetuate a faith God will condemn,
Beliefs started in darker times, not from God, but evil men’s designs,
Adding belief not of the Word of God, with an arrogant religious nod,
Ignoring things Christ had to say, drawing followers into a darker way.

Accepting Or Rejecting

Jesus Christ is passionately accepted, by men, or selfishly rejected,
Accepted by many as The Christ, Savior, who came as our sacrifice,
A sacrifice to redeem fallen man, the center of God’s Salvation Plan,
A plan, by many that goes ignored, by men who shall reject the Lord.

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