Bob Gotti Poems

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To Be Truly Blessed

I hope you are blessed my friend, in the time that you spend,
While here on the temporal earth, living for all that life’s worth,
But true blessing you only receive, when in Christ you believe,
Believing in the Only Son of God, while upon this earthly sod.

This Life Will End

It’s God’s time, not mine friend, when my life here shall end,
Written in His Eternal Plan, including every woman and man,
With all life’s hows and whys, mixed throughout, in disguise,
Where, in this life God leads, taking care of temporal needs.

Eternal God Of Glory

The God of all Heaven and earth, The Only One of eternal worth,
Came to this earth for each of us, through The Son Christ Jesus,
He came to earth, in order to give, an eternal view to all who live,
A perspective that leads to eternal life, in The Lord, Jesus Christ.

His Commission Is Our Mission

Though we live in darker times, will still must obey God’s Design,
For all who belong to Jesus Christ, as we live out this earthly life,
Although the nations go astray, Christ’s Message, is here to stay,
As His Gospel Message we impart, to every lost and needy heart.

Our Ministry Of Reconciliation

Carrying out the commission of Christ, gives us comfort in this life,
Knowing our life has real purpose, in serving our Lord Christ Jesus,
In a dark world filled with uncertainty, our mission focus on eternity,
So, while on earth it is our mission, to fulfill The Great Commission.

Their Darker Agenda

It is not getting any better, my friend, as we could soon see the end,
The end of God’s protective grace, with the despotic leader in place,
For leaders now abandon God, deceiving many with a deceitful nod,
Saying that what’s wrong is right, turning to darkness instead of light.

In My Quiet

In my quiet, I think of you, all the things you’ve seen me through,
How indeed, you came to me, to open my eyes towards Calvary,
As you showed me just who I am, a sinner, in need of The Lamb,
The Lamb from earth’s foundation, to bring to all, your Salvation.

Like A Fire Inside

The Truth of God I cannot hide, those Truths, hidden deep inside,
God’s Truth hidden in my heart; Truth to others that I must impart,
Eternal Truths God taught to me, His Truth which stands eternally,
God’s Truth regarding Eternal Life, which is found in Jesus Christ.

Beside Salvation

If any man, would only believe, not only a pardon do they receive,
A pardon from the penalty of sin, but, The Spirit now dwells within,
Residing in the heart of everyone, who truly believes in God’s Son,
To guide them in God’s Revelation, after they receive His Salvation.

I Am Sent The Lamb

Yes indeed The Eternal “I AM”, sent to the earth the Precious Lamb,
Who takes away the sin of the world, this with joy, today we herald,
The Good News of God’s Salvation, we must issue to every nation,
“I AM” came for every single life, The Precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

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