Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' A Poem Can Be Found ''

Inspiration in slumbers,
Or sitting in cars.
I can write about numbers,
Or even stars,

'' High And Dry ''

Where is your God when he's needed most?
Or even his son or the Holy Ghost,
Are they sitting enjoying tea and toast?
While watching their creations die.

'' We'Re All Being Conned ''

There's evil and bad,
The sane and mad,
Who determines which one you'll be,
Throughout life you'll either be sad or glad,

'' From Their Charms We Are Not Immune ''

As the alien visit draws ever near,
We are being assured we have nothing to fear,
It won’t be long now until they are here,
Face to face contact will be made soon.

'' There's No Substitution ''

When problems arise,
Don't close your eyes,
Never delay a response,
The bare faced facts you cannot disguise,

'' Life And Death ''

Is Heaven real, is it filled with grace?
Or a part of our imagination,
Another fantasy of the Human Race,
With which we have a fixation.

'' Keep Your Angel By Your Side ''

Do angels exist?
Are they in our midst?
Faith is a very strong force,
Is it only believers they ever assist?

'' Invented By Man To Deceive ''

I don't believe in Satan or God,
Our differences they tend to heighten,
Truth is they're a mythical fraud,
Invented by man to frighten.

'' It's Yourself You Betray ''

Although you’re my enemy you’re also my friend,
Will the pain you cause me never end,
At times you do drive me round the bend,
Yet you stay with me every day.

'' Honour Among Thieves ''

It’s one of the greatest myths of all time,
Truth is it’s a blatant lie,
The very concept should be classed as a crime,
As in reality this doesn’t apply.

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