Caitlin Moreby

Caitlin Moreby Poems

War is triumph,
War is gain,
War is heartache,
War is pain.

Two households who are both alike,
By day and night, by swords do fight,
In fair Verona where our scene is laid,
Is where we find a young and love-struck maid,

My words on the page, do you see them up there?
'Up there' is it a place, and if so then where?
I'd like to find you and thank you for your work through the ages
But i doubt that your name and number are in the yellow pages.

I learn my lines
I play my part,
I make believe
You have a heart.

Sitting on a bus
Just the two of us
Wind blows cold
But i have you to hold.

Loving isn't easy and it sure as hell ain't hard
But loving you is bad when you dont open up your heart
Loving is so simple and it's beautiful to watch
But loving you is hurting and that is why I stopped.


A, B, C or D
But which university
Will accept the grades I get?
Time's running out, I start to fret.

Though I love you all the time
Now and then I seem to find
That I can't stand your company,
And wish that you'd just let me be.

You look at me {in my dreams}
You like me {or so it seems}
You want me {to want you back}
You hug me {and i relax}

Through pain and through suffering
I brought you to life,
But with sterile, steel evil
Through the use of a knife,

Roundabout and 2nd left,
Oh God, I hope I pass this test.
My freedom rests
In this mans hands.

The first snowdropp falls and lands on the ground,
You listen and look but still there's no sound.
Quietly sat on your bed you wait,
You glance at your clock, it's quarter to eight.

A design for us on blueprints lie,
A design for grass, for hail and sky.
A designer admiring his work from above,
A designer filled with hatred or love?

A chance to live,
A chance to die,
A chance to laugh,
A chance to cry.

I'm sorry that I hurt you
I'm sorry that I care
I'm sorry that I want to
No matter what be there.


Once used
Twice as broken
Once bruised
Twice as open.

The Olympics are back from where they came,
Standing high and proud, the majestic flame,
Forever burning rain or shine,
For finally its Athens' time,

Why is it so hard to find,
A way to leave this world behind?
To find a way to colour words,
And draw sounds you've never heard?

Water into wine
A healed child
Dead man walking

Watcher in the sky,
That's all you are to me.
Do you sit and laugh
At all that you can see?

The Best Poem Of Caitlin Moreby

War Is...

War is triumph,
War is gain,
War is heartache,
War is pain.

War is duty,
War is great,
War is stupid,
War is waste.

War is brother,
War is dad,
War is mother, crying,
War is sad.

War is death,
War is tears,
Wars don't end
They last for years.

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