Candy Simpson

Candy Simpson Poems

Why do you love football?
What do you see in it?
Why not watch another sport
Like Rugby, Golf, or Cricket?

Deep dark memories,
Hiding them is almost impossible,
Still to others I seem confident,
Maybe even unstoppable.

My Sister Has Always Been In My Life
Right From The Start
Now She’s About To Become Darren’s Wife
Because She Loves Him From The Bottom Of Her Heart

We sometimes say we need a change,
As a change is good as a rest
But often fail to ponder
If change is for the best.

Cry quietly in a corner
Don't make a big scene
Don't let anyone think something's wrong
Remember not to be mean

My mind is blank,
my body numb.
Who is this in the mirror looking back at me,
what have I allowed myself to become.

Everyone has problems,
Some may be worse and some not as bad
But when it comes to hurting yourself,
All you feel is sad…

Why do you lie to me?
You get my hopes up so high.
Why don't you just tell me?
But instead you make me cry.

You’re sweet and special,
Nice and neat,
But we’re the best of friends
You are an angel in my eyes

How are you Daddy?
It's been forever since we've spoken
I guess we let this whole time pass,
And now we're completely broken.

I'm in the middle of two roads,
Wondering which to take.
My future depends,
On the decision I make.

Why do I blame myself when the one who should be ashamed is you?
Why should I suffer when it’s your mind that is askew?
Why do I cry wondering if you ever feel the pain you made me feel inside?
And all you can say is I was young but I tried! !

I am cold
and I am broken
I am shaking on the floor
crying hysterically

Forgotten I am
Alone in the dark
You turn your back
and step on my heart

Daddy I want to tell you something Daddy, I think you ought to hear,
I want to ask something Daddy, I've been wondering for years.
But maybe first I should ask if I may call you by that name,
Do you really deserve a title you never wanted to claim.

Here is the time
I need my wings
I wait in line
Among the kings

Why do you lie to me?
You get my hopes up so high.
Why don't you just tell me?
But instead you make me cry.

Inside I'm crying
outside I'm smiling
no one notices
but its hard for me to control this

Love is a gamble,
and your heart is the dice.
So before you roll,
you'd better think twice.

I never knew that I could ever meet anyone like you
I never knew that it would be this different
I didn't think that you would stay
I thought all people where the same

The Best Poem Of Candy Simpson

Why Do You Love Football?

Why do you love football?
What do you see in it?
Why not watch another sport
Like Rugby, Golf, or Cricket?

Well let me answer that my friend
And put your mind at rest
I love the beautiful game
Because it's simply the best

No other sport is as exciting
No other comes anywhere near
Football can create passion
And lots of atmosphere

It is loved all around the world
Most children kick a football
Rich kids, and poor kids
small kids, and some very tall

A good football match is a joy to watch
That's why thousands go to every game
When you get goals and lots of action
All the fans are so glad that they came

So yes my friend I do love football
It's by far the number one sport for me
So while you're watching Golf and Cricket
I'll be watching Match of the Day, or Man U F.C.

Candy Simpson Comments

Steven Applebaum 12 November 2018

Does anyone know how to contact Candy Simpson?

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