Chad Shumate

Chad Shumate Poems

It's easy to cheat, hard to stay monogamous,
I will show you with my love and your trust.

I'm up for the challenge; it's in my heart,

Finally, we can be together,
Like a booger to a nose in the winter weather.

I love the snot out of you,

I can honestly say that I married my crush,
It was as though she was a drink and I was a lush.

With my beer goggles on without taking a drink,

She is the most beautiful person on Earth,
She means the world to me, for what it's worth.

She is a devoted wife, also my lover,

Just because I love you,
I'm always thinking of you.

Just because I appreciate you,

Love is a strong word;
Physically and mentally exhausting, enough never heard.

It's telling your significant other how you feel;

Your pain is my sorrow,
It's like the world is ending and there is no tomorrow.

The reflection of your voice in disappointment or hurt,

Son I need to let you know,
That I will be there, every inch you grow.

From the time that you walk,

Happy Birthday to myself,

I’m 42 and I have my health,

In this game you don’t have to be on the defense, play some offense,
This way your teammate will be loose before you play and not tense.

Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean that it's wrong,
You are not perfect and I will be here forever long.
Saying it loud, doesn't make it right,

I am an alive beat dad,
Which means that I am willing to pay child support until you are a high school grad.

To me it's nothing to change diapers and give you a bath,

What we have you can't find everywhere,
I've been looking for days, months, years I swear.

What we have people may envy us,

I visited some relatives from down south,
Who I only knew by word of mouth.

I went out to a club and I met a strange but attractive lady,

The Best Poem Of Chad Shumate

Thoughts Of A Faithful Man

It's easy to cheat, hard to stay monogamous,
I will show you with my love and your trust.

I'm up for the challenge; it's in my heart,
Kind of like a test, I chose you, so you know that I'm smart.

Brilliant enough to avoid any distractions,
I can only account for me and not my friends' actions.

Hanging with them day in and day out, I will not do,
Because my every second will be spent with you.

By being with you should clear any doubt,
It will kill any rumor that tries to come about.

Honey, it does not cost me to pay you attention,
Women when you try to flirt, charge it to my Honey, cause I don't listen.

Because she is the only dime piece that gets this debit,
What a wonderful relationship, to her I owe all of the credit.

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