Christina Sunrise

Christina Sunrise Poems

Birds, birds everywhere,
flying through the sky without care.
Reminding us how graceful life can be,
as they fly from tree to tree.

I told Jesus when I was standing with candle in hand-
I don't feel comfortable to light this-
I know it is witchcraft.
I was in a church on Christmas and knew the score

Have you ever contemplated about a tree?
How strong, beautiful and sturdy?
That they stand during all of the seasons
they are just there to just be...

Oil and water do not mix,
this oil slick has no quick fix.
The dark black goo not only affects me and you,
but SEA LIFE in our OCEANS too.

In NYC where the buildings are tall,

so much to do, no time for it all.

Respect women for they bring a lot into this world
they are just more than procreators bringing in girl or a little boy.
They are the caregivers, the nurturers, and have a gentle touch
do respect feminine touch and honor it more than a bunch.

When we get arrested we have to immediately
pay to get out…
We have to pay a lawyer to win without a doubt.
We are “guilty” until proven innocent

Doing a good deed
is not hard to do...
in fact
it is something that comes shining through...

Ice caps melting every day
we need to help Polar Bears
We need to Save…
Save Polar Bears by helping

God protect me from up above
He sends me all their love.
For I will begin to see Jesus soon
to see His angels flying by.

Birds bring you love and light,

To have a relationship trust is first
some people can take your honesty
and use it to hurt you at worst.
For they are deceiving at best

Cat died today
crossing the street.
A loving lady was more than sweet.
She told me she didn't want the

Butterfly, butterfly flying through the air,
flittering here and flittering there.
Landing on a flower just ahead,
your wings glow on a flower bed.

Driving down Okeechobee heading west,
I stop at a car dealership I like best.
Napleton's Hyundai is where I bought my car,
they are the greatest car dealership by far.

God rose the sun rose for you today.
God rained for you today.
God's sun shined for you today.
God'sbirds chirped for you today.

Russian family running for their lives,
jumps over barb wire fence
in Russia, it cuts them like a knife.

Grandma Kay just turned ninety five,
on her birthday in 2009.
In her nursing home her family was there,
Watching her blew out birthday candle without a care.

We are afraid to get punished so we tell a lie,
we start to hide what we feel inside.
Honesty should be encouraged
without remorse,

Russian family running for their lives
jumps over barbwire Russian fence
they don't get stuck-fence is sharp as a knife.
Only baby gets stuck with her wrap

Christina Sunrise Biography

Being born on April 18,1966 in Elizabeth, New Jersey- I am the defender of the underdog. I write poems about the planet like saving the plant kingdom, our oceans, and wildlife and spirituality. Being 4th generation First Nations of Canada. I have an affinity to the Gaia –Mother Earth and her creatures. Christina Sunrise is one of my alias’s. Christina means follower of Christ. I write about Jesus and his word and life. I wrote a poem entitled “When Jesus Spoke” and it is on Sunrise in Slavic is Zaria and means “Morning Star”. I wrote a poem that praises our Earth’s morning star in “We Praise You Mother Earth and Sister Sun”. I come from Slavic descent and one of my cartoon characters names is Suzaria and she has her own solar system named after her. I have written poems to help to make a change in people’s thinking, for I feel we are all change agents. Below is a poem about the poet named Christina Sunrise. I hope you enjoy this poem and the one that follow in this anthology.)

The Best Poem Of Christina Sunrise

Birds, Birds Everywhere

Birds, birds everywhere,
flying through the sky without care.
Reminding us how graceful life can be,
as they fly from tree to tree.
Singing so very happily.

Christina Sunrise Comments

Purushottam Bashyal 09 April 2012

poems are really touchable

1 5 Reply
Gail Strong 20 December 2011

I think your poems are true to self. Thank you for your writing.

2 6 Reply

Christina Sunrise Quotes

Spreading the Love is the easiest thing to raise the vibration of the planet and make it more peaceful.

We are limitless souls incarnate in a human body, it's hard enough doing that but we agreed to it before we came here.

WE are One Family, if we just remember that we can solve all our societie's problems in regards to race.

WE were all Babies at one time, if we can just remember that, and realize we were innocent, we can have more compassion for anyone that has wronged us.

Your thoughts and behaviors go with you to the other side, so I think it is important to work on that while we are here then place so much importance on material things over inner work.

Everything is a gift, because you can't take it with you. If you can remember that, the next time you loose something or someone steals from you, you will see it in a new light.

Trees are the survivors on this planet. Look at how they live outside in the cold. They even have it in their dna to survive the cold. They will out live all of us, the planet needs them more.

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