Cindy Wyatt Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'Ye Must Be Born Again'

Does the bible really say 'Ye must be born again'?
Just open up your bible and to the third chapter of John go
Can a person go to heaven without being born again?
The bible clearly answers that question with 'no'

Religious But Lost

There is only one road to Heaven
and the road is narrow and strait
The sad fact is that many people who are religious
will not enter Heaven's gate

No Regrets Or Remorse

The sufferings we go through now will seem as nothing
when compared with the glory that does await
when this earthly life is over
and we go through the pearly white gate

Heaven Bound

I know I'm heaven bound
I can barely keep my feet on the ground
My savior has been so good
He's done everything he said he would

Getting Ready For A Trip

I'm getting ready to take a trip
to a land far away
The Saviour is going to come
for me without delay

Be Strong In The Lord

Be strong in the Lord
and the power of his might
equipped with his armour
so you can win the fight

Salvation Is Receiving

Salvation is not in giving,
but in receiving
trusting Jesus in our heart
and on his name believing

Gift Of Eternal Life

If someone gives you a gift,
you just say 'thank you'
not 'will you take it back if I don't do
everything you want me to'

Jesus Is The Way

Jesus is the door from which to enter in
If you ask him to be your savior, he'll wash away your sin
He'll remove your sin as far as the east is from the west
And remember them no more and make you eternally blest

Going To Heaven

I’m absolutely sure
I’ll go to heaven when I die
Way far beyond the blue
is where my treasures lie

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