Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

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Sailing On

As I look back at this brief journey
Realizing in the past, sailing was rough,
I'm filled with thanks at the reality
God's dear Presence was more than enough.

Words Reflect The Heart

Words reflect the heart
As a mirror reflects a face
The meanings they impart
Reveal truths that one can trace.

The Well Of Our Souls

The woman at the well
Had sought to quench her thirst.
With her life, we all can tell
What she drank made her worst.

Poetry Sites

I would like to think poetry sites
Abound for the inspiring insights
That lift the soul above the mundane
To bless some relief from human pain.

Heavenly (Tanka)

sweet angelic scent
sense of wispy summer's breath
that softly whisper
ambrosial fragrance to touch

Where Love Draws The Line (Couplets)

Where Love Draws The Line (couplets)

There is Good and there is Evil
Men choose their way because of Free Will.

Nature And Life (Haiku 5/7/5)

The Vote

The vote, so what really is in it?
Is it your muted citizen's voice still
Or a fragment of your perceived myth
A mirage of control or irrelevant will?

The Enoch Walk

In my anguish I cried to the LORD
He answered by setting my heart free.
And by the power of His Word
Redeemed me from Sin's slavery.

Obsolete Ways

Some have writ their fate on stars
Riding on the trails of Astrology
Where galactic bodies light or mar
Their finite human destiny.

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