Dan Reynolds Poems

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Sammy The Suicidal Slug

Oh to be a gastropod and walk upon my belly
I'd slither like a slimy sod and hide in someone's welly
Knowing you won't look too hard,
for fear the smell may hurt your nose.

Malice Through The Looking Glass

<p align='center'> <B>
They've left a candle smoking
neath the mirror's icy gaze
Freshly doused, invoking

In True Remembrance, Unsullied By Creed.

Effect and consequences play their part
regardless of the perpetrators' role.
Their own departure dislocates their heart.
Perhaps their mind's mistaken for their soul?

A Toast To Poets On Burns' Night

How can the merest mortals mend the world from all its ills,
when words are all the ammunition left, to pay the bills?
What kind of self-delusion does it take to make a Bard,
when Barred is more be-fitting as we play the drinker's card?

Leave Me Never, Leave Me Now.

Leave me never, leave me now.

Leave me never, leave me now
Leave the sweat upon my brow

Chleenchama Rackhathu.

Chleenchama Rackhathu.

Beneath the Arms of Rutherglen
a stirring has been heard

How Many Poets Does It Take To Put Out A Candle?

You're not like a gas flame...
Or I would see a point of nothingness
at your base.
That invisible rush of expectancy

Ode On Transferring All My Cds Onto A Pc.

The soundtrack to a life may cause offence
if chosen from the tunes that we have bought.
Inclusive and abusive, in a sense
when dredging up the dirges we’d forgot

A Spring Lambent?

The crumbling o’ the dry-stane dike
Its saddened sedimentary state
Hard graft, the farmer’s lads won’t like
But to the sheep? An extra gate!

Becalmed On A Page

Not even one ripple, to reflect on the hull,
So I strung out my hammock in the “u” of the lull.

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