Daniel Erdner

Daniel Erdner Poems

I a depraved and ravaged soul
I a fearful and childish fool
I a willing deceiver
I a humble believer

Loss of an ideal, loss of what could have been
Loss of something real, loss of a lover and a best friend
When you only see the reasons why it won't work out that is what you get
Never finding perfect love, living in regret

I walk a different path
I live by a different set of rules
I can see with eyes that aren't my own
A lonely life but not alone


Lonely at heart missing my love
Bodily I ache for your touch

The Best Poem Of Daniel Erdner

I And I

I a depraved and ravaged soul
I a fearful and childish fool
I a willing deceiver
I a humble believer
I a bearer of great wealth
I the loser of my self
I a wizard in my training
I cannot be self sustaining
I have been a great beginner
I have never been a winner
I the saint and then the sinner
I the paint and then the thinner
I the learner from the moment
I the forgetter of what it meant
I am the sum of what I live and see
I realize this life is not all about me

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