David Darbyshire Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today Is The Day

So you think, today might be the day
It might be, it might be not?
Depends on your luck, if it goes your way
or you could get caught?

True Love

The star's moon and the sea
My baby say's she Loves me
I will give them all to You
She loves me it's true

Theres A Monster In My Bedroom Mummy..

Theres a monster in my bedroom mummy,
with horrid big red eyes,
and daddy dont believe me,
he says im telling lies,


Hope is a nice word,
people use it a lot.
Hope has a deep meaning
which should not be forgot.

The Best Things In Life Are Free

The best things in life are Free
I will assume you all Agree
But what is a little strange to Me
Is the Doctor's Fee? , or Is Death Free?

Be Careful What You Say

You must be very Careful,
What you Say
Cause when a word,
Exits your mouth


I have had my levis a very long time,
rips and tears, patches on patches.
25 years, of a stitch in time, saves nine,
so many different colors, nothing matches.


Everything has it's Price
Just like a cup of Rice
The things we sell are not New
But do have Sentimental Value

1 Out Of 3

I saw a Girl,
I've seen a woman,
I will see a lady
That makes three

A Little Blue

Got a stone in my shoe,
wondering what I should do?
Also have a splinter in my finger,
feeling a little blue.

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