David Wood Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet 63: Dragonfly

The beauty of the lake on a summer’s day:
Gentle ripples of cool water soothing,
Wildlife basking in the suns golden ray
And calmness keeping life gently moving.

Sonnet 67: Heat Wave

What I’d give for a nice juicy apple
A green one a red one I do not care
For a cold one I’d even go to chapel
Or failing that I’d have an ice cold pear.


Does the past control us
Or do we control the past?
If what we are told by historians
About some consequences

Sonnet 82: On Youth

All the youth of today want is their ‘I’ phone:
Communicate through social media,
Just sitting in their room all alone
Unknown friends acting all the seedier.

Sonnet 80: The Look Of Love

It is your eyes that show your love for me
Limpid blue pearls that smile with gentle love
That dispel any fear of what might be
And unites our love from heaven above.

Sonnet 77: Reflections

I enjoyed buying flowers for my love
Though they did not compare with her beauty
She is now with the angels high above
I now place them on her grave, 'tis my duty.


Forever is but a concept
That exists in our own minds
Like railway tracks going off
To infinity, to a finite dot.

Sonnet 64: Hidden Love

Sad is the man whose love he cannot show
When bursting with love he remains aloof
Afraid to show his true feelings that glow
In his heart, his love always seeking proof.

Sonnet 53: On Sleep

Oh sleep, you hide from me until the dawn
I lay awake through the dark of the night
My head on my soft pillow until morn
When I awake from a nightmare with fright.


The sun rises with the early dawn
As G8 leaders breakfast in the morn
The world looks on with hopes and fears
As the hungry languish in their tears.

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