Delilah Miller Poems

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Miles And Miles And Miles

This is the last of our nights.
On of the last nights you'll ever ruin.
You've seen that I was never too far.
The closer you came,

Infidelity Is A Tilting Fun House

It gets late, like it is,
it gets darker, but colors get brighter
and I do too.
It's when the phone call comes,

Still Shivering

It's simple but I need to get back into my poetry mind set.

Look past my smiles and
I'm still shivering.

I Can Stand Where You Stand

We do not need each other
but the only place I can stand to be,
is anywhere with you at my side
every night and most days.


Your love is hype.
Your life is hype.
You like to say the honest thing
but you're a sunken cost.

The Same Old Doubt

How do I explain that your hunger frightens me?
The tightness of your touch
enters my mind, rushing,
squeezes my heart

Ideas Of Fashion And Love

An original Chanel dress
says 'I never have to be me.'
With waves or a bob in her hair,
a girl can say 'Life is perfectly fair.'

Lying To Your Best Choice?

I know when you're lying.
Because blunt weight hits my chest,
I hate you, even if you hate to see me crying,
for throwing me another ball to juggle for you,


So this is my first free write of my Creative Writing class. And I know it's crazy verse that doesn't make sense; it was originally just straight prose that I cut up. But the feeling was like furiously writing down a poem and having it make perfect sense. I like it, so here it is:

Hopeful for everything I've ever wanted.

College Town: New Season, New Place

A new season in a new place
means the trees
not only litter sidewalks and lawns
with crumbling leaves changed red, orange and gold,

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