Dennis Walker

Dennis Walker Poems

I remember walking on the beach the sand so white and soft
Bare footed with you hand in hand
The moon light shone so bright

The heat of a woman rising in lust
To bring flames to life turning men to dust
The heat that can burn, scorch and sear
When ever the man gets to near

I hold you in my arms so very close to me
Loving you for ever this is how it is meant to be
You are the sweetest angel I could ever desire
When we are so close you set my soul on fire



I look in my mirror who do I see?
Some times a stranger staring back at me
I see the wrinkles forming as if right before my eyes
I say I feel like a teenager but my pains know that it’s lies

We all have memories
Some good some bad
The bad memories we hide away
The good memories are there as a shield

I am stood here in the rain
Hoping the drops will wash away my pain
It washes away my tears
But still left are all my fears

I am hated I am hunted, Trod upon and poisoned
When so very young ripped from my home
Cast down to shrivel and die
But I know life my kind are strong

I am sat here looking I see a tear in your eye
We both know soon it must be good bye
For I don’t know when I will be back
The photos of you are safe in my pack

I smell your blood rushing through your veins
Listening to your heart thumping

I went to a nudist beach the other day
The things I could see I should not say
The wonderful bodies all bronzed and gold
Beautiful people both young and old

I ask for more I cry for more
Here banging on your front door
Through tear filled eyes it is hard to see

I used to be a beauty loved through out the land
You were my council, lover my friend
Now this is what you have done to me
Made me a monstrosity that no one would wish to see


I love the sound of the rain
The pitter patter upon my windowpane
The splashing in the city street
The sound of the puddles under my feet

I am sitting by the road thinking about you
Wondering why or how I could ever doubt you
You tell me you love me but how do I know it is true
How do I know it is real this feeling you tell me you have for me

The chains of emotion hold me tight
Staying here though it is not right
No were to go no were to hide
My fate is predestined I do not decide

The city lights shine like twinkling stars
Streets washed clean with the early morning rain
The air smells so fresh and sweet
People will be waking soon and starting their days


I feel my passion rising each time I see your face
Just to make you mine is my only wish
I cant fined the words I need to make you listen

25 years WOW
I am sure it was only the other day.

We two nations stand as one in a common goal
In search of peace and democracy for all
Our brave children are in foreign lands
Against terrorism they take a stand

The Best Poem Of Dennis Walker

Walking In The Sand

I remember walking on the beach the sand so white and soft
Bare footed with you hand in hand
The moon light shone so bright
Making the form on the waves look like it was dancing
The night breeze made you shiver I placed my jacket on your shoulders

O the moon was so bright
I could feel the soft sand between my toes
The sea was a picture the sounds of the waves I remember well
Holding your hand I felt safe secure I wanted you so much
It was cold you placed your jacket around my shoulders to keep me warm

Placing my arm around you I felt you snuggle closer
We talked as we walked for a mile or so
No one else on the beach we were the only people in the world
Reaching the sand dunes as the old church bell struck midnight
You laid my jacket on the floor for us both

When you placed your arm around me I wanted to become part of you
We seemed to glide along the distance seemed like nothing
The beach was so quiet it was our world no one else’s
As we reached the sand dunes I heard a bell charm
I placed your jacket on the sand for us both to sit and cuddle

For hours we just lay there talking and kissing
Finding out about each other
You are so interesting you keep me enthralled
Time passed so quickly in your arms
You did not resist when I placed my hand on your breast

We talked for hours you were such a good listener
Getting to know each other so well
You had so many things to say so interesting
Your arms were around me the clock struck again this time 3 rings time had flown
It felt so good when you squeezed my breast I wanted you so bad

Softly I caressed you slowly we came together
You were like the waves of the sea flowing over me
Nothing was rushed you knew how to hold me
I could feel what you wanted and slowly we undressed each other
It was like opening some magical present as I removed you clothing

You were so gentle my head was spinning with excitement
I could smell you taste you it was making me so hot
You took your time you did not rush so experienced
Knowing how to make me yours making me want more
Slowly we removed each others clothes

As we were naked the passion of our lust took hold
The tranquil sea of our bodies was now becoming a storm
The heat from you felt like lightening flashing across my skin
Your very touch was an electric form burning me with desire
The union of two forces of lust of heat of desire

Both naked now exploring each others body
In that instance I new we two should join as one
Your body felt so hot in the night breeze
As you lay across me then covering me like some wonderful quilt
There was a power a surge when you entered me feeling like none before

I could not believe how long you held me there on the brink
You were like a vampire sucking the essence out of my body
This must not stop we will stay like this for eternity
You gave me experiences I had never felt before
A Furness of lust and passion

Time past so slow as if the entire world had gone in to slow motion
You stimulated my body to new heights of lust
I did not want this to end I will not let it end
Making you wait for your final relief the ultimate experience
The heat between us was if the sun were beating down

The church bell now struck six times
Had we been in the throws of passion all night
How many time had we both reached fulfillment I don’t know
Our bodies now covered in perspiration
Both now laying in each others arms naked watching the rising sun

That bell again six this time had we been so entwined for so long
Never had I achieved so many ecstatic climaxes
We lay now our bodies wet yet not cold
You held me tight in your arms safe and secure
We lay there watching the best sun rise ever

Dennis Walker Comments

Angel Sixx 20 June 2007

I really like this poem - its very sweet and sentimental

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