Dr John Celes Poems

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Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xviii)

Bildad, the Shuhite, replied thus:

When will you end your word-duel?
Reflect and we can discuss well;

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xix)

Job Answers Again:

Your words can’t vex my soul nor tame;
You have assailed me without shame;

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxiii)

Job Talks Again:

Though bitter be all my complaints,
God’s hand heavy upon me taints;

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxiv)

Job Continues:

Why God doesn’t set time-frames for all?
Why friends can’t see a man’s sad days?

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxv)

Bildad, the Shuhite answered then:

Dominion belongs to God,
Who harmony brings in heavens;

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxvi)

Job Spoke Again And Said:

How do you help the weak from harm?
How do you strengthen weak an arm?

Abide With Me, O Lord

Abide with me, O Lord, with me abide;
The dawn is gone and dusk is creeping fast;
All day, you walked along with me, beside;
My sorrows, problems, pain are things of past.

Sonnet: Whither Ethics?

All professions must follow ethics well;
The guidelines help to do our job with ease;
If not for ethics, life becomes like hell;
Discontented, you cannot live in peace.

Some Musings On My Past

When I look back into my past, O Lord,
My earthly stay looks so miraculous;
The Lord kept speaking through His divine Word,
Protecting me when life turned treacherous.

Musings On My Past

When I look back into my past, O Lord,
My earthly stay looks so miraculous;
The Lord kept speaking through His divine Word,
Protecting me when life turned treacherous.

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