Dr John Celes Poems

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Money Isn’t The Answer

Can money give you ample sleep at night?
Can money bring you satiety you want?
Can money soothe the heart and mind aggrieved?
Can money resurrect a person dead?

‘happy Birthday, Mum! '

Your ninety years’ of love
To children and all, prove
The mother great and wife,
That you had been all life!

Hats Off To The Woman, Who…

Hats off to the woman, who bears children
With labor-pains, completing family;
Hats off to the woman, who rears the young,
Making her babies suckle at her breasts;

Sonnet- Hope Is Always There

There is a faint Rainbow in the night's Sky;
The scorching-Summer has not had mid-show'rs;
The air is hot and sultry, very dry;
The trees have scarcely any leaves or flow'rs.

The Emergency Room

Here comes the ambulance
With another patient anew;
The emergency room staff are ready
With life-saving gadgets in view!

'Happy Doctor's Day,2012! ' Let All Indians Say Today

Respect the white coat that all doctors wear;
Respect the stethoscope with which they hear;
Respect the prescriptions they write and tear;
Respect all doctors for they truly care!

Sonnet: My Childhood Reminiscences

Can I forget my mother’s cooking skills,
Her punishments and kind advice at times?
Can I forget the games at school and drills,
My kindergarten teacher who taught rhymes?

Sonnet - The Earth

What beauty has the planet Earth! my gosh!
The only place where life seems to exist;
Discontent man is searching for worlds posh;
In extra-terrestrial planet-list.

Sonnet: The Wheel Of Life

The Wheel of Life has Time placed in its hub,
Rotating from joyful state to sorrow;
Learns man to live with hope for the morrow,
Happy today that he can get his grub.

Sonnet: The Farmer

The farmer gazes at the sky for signs,
If rain could come within the next few days!
The summer sun continuously still strains;
‘To sow the seed, the rain must come, ’ he prays.

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