Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

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Five Women Are Considered As A Mother To Everyone!

The one who gave birth of self,
..Wife of the elder brothers,

The chaste wife of your teacher,

A Wife Beautifies Herself For Her Husband To See!

Eating, wearing flowers, delight in heart
and beautifying are all only for him, to see!

O' my friend! While knowing that in spite


The quality of controlling the high raising anger
which subjects the entire mind in its possession
is said to be the character excellence for any one!


Controlling the desire that occurs
…through the five senses and to avoid
recollecting the same thought is pleasant!

வானம் நீல நிறமாய் மாறி
மேகங்கள் திரண்டு கருக்கும் போது
மழையின் வாசத்தை நாசி உணர்கையில்
நானுன்னை நினைக்காமல் இருக்க முடியாதே!

Disciplined Persons Will Not Have Bad Qualities!

The people who know the discipline
…shall not think in mind the following five things:

namely they will not have the desire on other's wives,

He Is My Beloved Father!

A young man was called as ‘Control’
prefixing his name Kanniappan;

One may wonder why ‘Control’

The Pride Of Not Looking Back At Other’s Wives!

The pride of not looking back
…at other’s wives is nice!

The raining from the sky for the green crops

The Great Men Born Of Higher Genetic Inheritance!

In spite of knowing pretty well that the snake
is of the nature of causing harm and distress,

if the snake happens to get into the place

It Is Like Appointing The Crow To Guard The Cooked Rice!

O’ the man who owns the cool ocean land with
salty backwater where the ‘no other way to go’
sea splashing and dashing over the shore!

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