Edgar Andrade Baguio

Edgar Andrade Baguio Poems

Silence comes, and it goes,
Like trees everyone knows;
Unnoticed as it grows,
Away from earthly woes.

Life desires love
Love hires life
Love inspires life
Life expires love

There's no sun this summer,
Yet mercury's rising;
Sweats and dry weeds teasing,
The minds of a dumber;

There was one, then
Two, three, four flowers
Later, the fifth was picked,
As well as the sixth,

An hour and a half has ended
Your sleepy, melodic voice faded,
From the silence of the night
In its candid tone, pure and bright,

Creature's day of gloom
As if in its brink of doom
Asked: 'When can I bloom? '

Her haughty smiles were not that many though
When I asked from her a crucial favor
Taking her most loved maiden and savor
As my companion in this world of dough

First, I tried to create an interaction,
But you didn’t pay much attention;
So, I tried to like you,
But you don’t like me;

A boy meets a girl and ate a twirl
She as outcast, he grew like whirl
He never see nor hear of her again
To her the memories of him remain

Leaves are dancing, yet falling,
Winds are weak, but blowing;
Clouds are sunny, skies are gray,
Lilies are still and poised to pray;

The land of the free is falling!
And other lands are following?
Yes, at last for all of us to know
Some wisdom behind this show

It creeps down under,
With its messenger;
Digging deeper holes,
For more darker poles;

wandering, moving, resting?
sliding through a glass of dew
wasting the drips of fire and snow
traveling, crawling, creeping?

She came rejoicing,
With angelic shriek;
And innocent silence,
Slowly growing like lilac;

Edgar Andrade Baguio Biography

A native of Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines who has grown to see and live life with its colorful dots. Happily married with six kids, five girls and a boy who supported him throughout his sojourn from an Asian City to the Americas, enriching him with such joyful experiences yet sometimes laced with sadness and surprises. Since 1998, when he started to discover his ingenuity in writing which allows his mind to explore the literary world of famous classical writers and their writings within their milieu. Recognized by City of Shijiazhuang, China in 2002 for his contribution in " The 21st Century" Local City Paper, who awarded him some cash. Known for his two Essays " Response and Responsibility in the Classroom" and " Creative Campus" agonia.net, this poet preferred to write poetry either to instruct or to entertain its addressee within the scope of meaning, beauty and style.)

The Best Poem Of Edgar Andrade Baguio

Deaf Noise

Silence comes, and it goes,
Like trees everyone knows;
Unnoticed as it grows,
Away from earthly woes.

Hiding from humans' hearts,
Carefully watching them;
With decibels of phlegm,
Those piercing noise like darts.

Edgar Andrade Baguio Comments

Edgar Andrade Baguio Quotes

'To see clearly one's persona, one has to change either his attitude towards that someone's view or his view towards that someone's attitude. '

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