Elayne Ogbeta

Elayne Ogbeta Poems

Once lived a little black gal
And in de town dem said
Dat she wore a bright red cloak
So dem call her ‘Pickney Red.'

There was a girl called Dreadilocks
Who went for a walk through the wood.
She soon came across a neat house
And the scent from the house smelt good.

Black Ice was very beautiful
But her mudder had sadly died.
Black Ice had no choice but to live
wid her father's new ugly bride.

I sprang from my bed in the dead of the night,
'Cause I heard a big BANG, and it gave me a fright.

So I tiptoed downstairs and was surprised to see,

A girl and her mother were very, very poor
Had not a single crumb in their kitchen store.

The girl, one day jumped up and said,

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, my beauty so rare
Please will you let down your fine relaxed hair?

Oh no, dear Prince, I can't, I'm afraids,

This is the story of the tailor's daughter.
He was known to be a mighty boaster.

Even in the palace, the king was told,

This is a most peculiar story
It's all about a boy named Aubrey
Who thought it nothing out of the ordinary
To stuff his face with strawberry after strawberry.

I know a place

Far far away

Before I go to school
I say good night to mum and dad.
I brush my face
And wash my teeth.

Where on earth did this spider come from?
How did it suddenly appear on my wall?
How did it sneak its way in my bedroom?
Which way in did this black spider crawl?

Mosquitoes jump
Mosquitoes bite
Like little vampires
In the night

Grannies come in all shapes and sizes,
Some use Zimmer frames, others do exercises.
Some splash out with trinkets and toys,
While others are tight as a fist with girls and boys.

Slithery, slimy, spirally
Is leaving a

My father was a Windrush man,
He came to England in nineteen sixty-four,
Landed at Southampton's port,
A brand new world to explore.

‘Jack, Jack, tings don't look good,
We no have no money to buy food
Go to de market, mi don't know how-
But use yu sense and go sell de cow.'

Elayne Ogbeta Biography

I live in Salford with two bubbly children and a supportive hubby. I was a former tutor at YMCA Training. I now work freelance. Ever since I was 10, I knew I wanted to be a writer. In 1997 I completed a BA in Creative Writing at Bolton University. It was there I discovered my voice for writing children’s stories and poems. But it wasn’t until I completed my MA in Creative Writing degree at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2003 that I started focusing on writing for children and was fortunate to have a few of my poems accepted for publication. I have also published a picture book called Anansi & The Dutchy Pot. www.anansiwinks.com)

The Best Poem Of Elayne Ogbeta

Pickney Red

Once lived a little black gal
And in de town dem said
Dat she wore a bright red cloak
So dem call her ‘Pickney Red.'

‘To grandma yu must gwan'
Her mudder sweetly said.
‘And tek dis wicker basket
Mi dear, dear, Pickney Red.'

So off she skipped quite happily
Without nu fear nor dread
Tru' de dark, dark woods
De basket nuff, nuff spread.

But poor Red never realized
Dat way up on ahead,
Lived a nasty, dutty wolf
And him name was Mr Fred.

‘What's yu name missy? '
Asked de cunning Mr Fred.
‘Why sir, yu nu know?
Dem called mi ‘Pickney Red.'

‘And where yu di gwan
With dat basket full of bread? '
‘Mi gwan to see mi grandmudder
Who lives far, up a-head

‘Yu wi get there quick, quick, quick
If yu tek dat route instead.'
‘Oh tank yu sir, so kindly'
And off skipped ‘Pickney Red.'

De Wolf him very swift
And found grandmudder in bed
He gobbled her up in one
And put her cap pon him head.

Red bang pan Grandma's door
‘Come in, mi Pickney Ned? '
‘No Grandma ah mi, ah mi,
Yu darling Pickney Red.'

‘Oh, Ah yu.' crocked de wolf-
‘Have yu brought mi hard-dough bread? '
‘Oh yes Grandma, dem freshly baked.
But yu voice! ' Gasped, Pickney Red.

‘Mi have a little cold, so what?
Dat's why mi still in bed.
What yu staring at child? '
‘Oh Grandma it's yu head! '

‘And what big ears yu have, '
‘De better to hear, Pickney Jed.'
‘No Grandma ah mi, ah mi,
Yu darling Pickney Red.'

‘And what big eyes yu have.'
‘De better to see, Pickney Ed.'
‘No Grandma, ah mi, ah mi,
Yu darling Pickney Red.'

‘And what big teeth yu have.'
‘De better to eat yu Red.'
‘Yu nat, yu nat, mi Grandma? '
And out de door she fled.

A woodsman heard one bawl
Towards de noise him sped
And when him see de ugly wolf
Gobble down Pickney Red.

He took his saw and jook him.
And there de wolf bled, bled.
And not so very long afterwards
De ginnall wolf was dead.

Den out dropped grandmudder
And out dropped Pickney Red
Dey thanked de woodsman kindly
Dat de ginnall wolf was dead!

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