Aubrey Strawberry Poem by Elayne Ogbeta

Aubrey Strawberry

This is a most peculiar story
It's all about a boy named Aubrey
Who thought it nothing out of the ordinary
To stuff his face with strawberry after strawberry.

Early in the morning, at noon and night.
He'd secretly tuck into this red delight.
How his head tingled with every bite.
He never questioned whether this was right.

Sometimes he ate them with lashings of cream.
Or sometimes with chocolate and vanilla ice-cream.
And occasionally, when he wanted a treat.
He'd eat them with his favourite quality street.

His dreams were often scary and wild.
Dreams of the past when he was a child.
Once, he wandered into a field of red.
Whilst hundreds of strawberries rained down on his head.

He jumped upon a huge strawberry balloon
Then floated slowly up to the moon.
Then the giant strawberry turned into a plane.
As he zoomed back down to earth again.

Soon he found himself in a curious place.
And the people there were of a different race.
He fought monsters with strawberries and sling.
Rescued a village and in a day became king.

The dreams Aubrey didn't think were cool
Were the ones he dreamt when he was at school.
Angry faces, all the taunts and the groans,
As he sat in the playground eating strawberries alone.

Then out of the blue his sister said,
'My, My, Aubrey you are turning red.'
And true enough, deep under his clothes
Aubrey's body was as red as a rose.

His face was as red as chopped cherries
And his hands as red as juicy berries.
'Oh dear, ' he said as he pulled off his sock.
His foot was as red as a pillar box.

'What should I do? ' he trembling said.
What will folks say if they see me red?
And how can I ever step into school?
Children these days can be terribly cruel.'

'Well one solution, my dear brother Aubrey
You should stop scoffing strawberry after strawberry
Because if not, it won't be out of the ordinary
For people to call you Aubrey Strawberry.'

But that very night Aubrey just couldn't stop.
Consuming his strawberries, drop after drop.
When morning came no one could find Aubrey.
Instead on his bed was an enormous strawberry.

This is the end of a most peculiar story.
All about a boy named Aubrey.
Who thought it nothing out of the ordinary
To stuff his face with strawberry after strawberry.

A cautionary tale about a little boy who ate too many strawberries.
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Elayne Ogbeta

Elayne Ogbeta

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