Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poems

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The Actor

O man, with your wonderful dower,
O woman, with genius and grace,
You can teach the whole world with your power,
If you are but worthy the place.

Three And One

Sometimes she seems so helpless and mild,
So full of sweet unreason and so weak,
So prone to some capricious whim or freak;
Now gay, now tearful, and now anger-wild,

Growing Old

Little by little the year grows old,
The red leaves drop from the maple boughs;
The sun grows dim, and the winds blow cold,

Baby's First Journey

Lightly they hold him and lightly they sway him-
Soft as a pillow are somebody's arms.
Down he goes slowly, ever so lowly

Under The Sheet

What a terrible night! Does the Night, I wonder-
The Night, with her black veil down to her feet
Like an ordained nun, know what lies under

At Set Of Sun

If we sit down at set of sun,
And count the things that we have done,
And counting, find
One self-denying act, one word

Bleak Weather

Dear Love, where the red lilies blossomed and grew
The white snows are falling;
And all through the woods where I wandered with you


There was a time when I was confident
That God's stupendous mystery of birth
Was mine to know. The wonder of it lent

About May

One night Nurse Sleep held out her hand
To tired little May.
'Come, go with me to Wonderland,'
She said, 'I know the way.


There are ghosts in the room.
As I sit here alone, from the dark corners there
They come out of the gloom,

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