Ernestine Northover Poems

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The Wheels Of Life

The wheels of life keep turning,
Propelling us along,
And as they go, we're learning,
To, be both soft and strong.

A Sure Promise

Refreshing breeze, you waft across my brow,
Relaxing me so well, to thus allow
My mind to wander off in dreams, somehow,
To things of pleasure. All ascending now.

A Sense Of Peace

How clear is the air found at a mountain's top,
And breathing this freshness, clarifies all things,
At such high altitude, oxygen can drop,
Then movement slow's, but thoughts fly swift on wings,

Getting Away

The sea, the sun, the sand and the surf,
The views, the dunes, the cliffs and the turf,
The peace, the calm, the rest and the play,
The delights and the pleasures of just getting away.

Delphiniums Of Blue

Come follow me down the garden path,
Past the flowerbeds, planted neat.
Around the sweetbriar's scented hedge,
To the old carved wooden seat.

A Fascinating State

I’d love to be an archaeologist,
and dig up a real good find.
A skeleton or two would frankly do,
each one of a human kind.

How Long

‘How long is it dear, since we were wed,
when first I ventured into your bed.
We’ve made it through together since then,
time filled with laughter, and counting to ten’.

Let The Sun Shine - Triolet

Let the sun shine brightly each day,
Warming us deeply in our soul,
We are happy it's here to stay
Let the sun shine brightly each day,

A Slug's Life

I met a young slug, who gave me a shrug,
And said that his life, was so full of strife,
He'd wandered around, no 'she' slug had he found,
He so wanted to find, someone who was kind.


Sweet slumber, you're slowly falling,
One sub-conscious sinks in sleep,
And dreams they are now calling,
From all angles they do creep.

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