Esther Ayala Poems

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An Unborn Child's Poem

Today my life began, but some say I’m not a real person yet,
Yes they say only Mommy exist, because me they have not yet met.

Remember Me When I Grow Old

I’ll always treasure our Friendship,
Cause it means so much to me,

I Believe In You, I Believe You Can

We’ve been through a lot, Huh? You and Me-
More worse times than good, then I could possibly see.
But with each troublesome times that we had,
I learned to take and refine and polish it up as Gold-

Lost Boy

This Boy has grown up into a young man
Beautiful in appearance
Gorgeous and built to every girls eyes
That is left in a trance.

Death Waits For No One

Death waits for no one
But death where is your sting?
Even though we completely understand the reasons why,
death continues to silence us all, as we sigh.

Marriage Poem

As for the Bride and the Groom

Let it be the beauty inside that you shall see,
No less, no more, sufficient it will come to be.

Thank You Mom

Thank you for all the things you done
throughout the years that you have shown,
Yes, Appreciation within my heart
I hope you’ve known.

My Inspiration

I often close my eyes and think of you,
Yes, strenght of beauty that shines right through.

Blocking Is Unspeakable Cruel

Blocking ones you know is cruel and I'll tell you why, ...
for its within yourself you teach yourself to die.

Thank You

Your Friendship is more than you could ever know,
more than I could ever show.

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