Felix Lee

Felix Lee Poems

Woof Woof,
A little puppy whining.
A tiny tail wagging,
A tiny voice barking.

My Best Friend,
Just happens to be,
A lovely person,
Full of joy and laughter.

Such immense pressure,
Such immense stress.
Can't stand this pain,
Can't make it go away.

A little smile,
Can go a long way.
It makes people happier,
Makes them feel lighter.


Can you hear the voices,
Crying out in the dark?
Telling of unspeakable violence,
Tearing people apart?


Just because,
I don’t know you well,
Doesn’t mean,
I can’t be your friend.

When I think of you,
My heart beats faster,
My blood races faster,
My strides grow longer

Everytime the moon is full,
I think about,
The shine of your face,
The radiance of your smile.

The skies are dark,
The days are gloomy,
You just don’t feel alright,
You just feel stagnant where you are.


There’s a voice out there.
A tiny quiet voice,
Just pleading to be heard.

To me,
Everyone has a potential.
The very core of a person,
Will determne their character.


Alone at night,
When you’ve lost all your might.
You just feel like wasting away,
Even though you’ve barely began your day.

Heartbreaks, heartaches.
It hurts so badly to see you like this,
Can’t remember the time I
Last had a good night’s sleep.

Sometimes, it hurts,
It hurts
So badly.
Empty seats.


Stomp, stomp, stomp,
All over people’s faces.
They cry for help at times,
Or are just plain annoyances.

Heartbreaks, heartaches.
It hurts so badly to see you like this,
Can’t remember the time I
Last had a good night’s sleep.


Glinting in the sunless light,
Cold blade looks on with cruel sight.
Lines of red streak my proffered hands,
Helpless veins devoured by greedy bands.

Felix Lee Biography

Just a kid wanting a platform for her poems)

The Best Poem Of Felix Lee

Woof Woof

Woof Woof,
A little puppy whining.
A tiny tail wagging,
A tiny voice barking.

Woof Woof,
A puppydog running.
Short fat legs moving.
Drool dripping from a bright pink tongue.

Woof Woof,
A young dog sniffing.
Front paws scratching the tires of a bus.
Teeth dragging out some drugs.

Woof Woof,
A dog panting.
Contented after a day of chasing birds,
Now ready for a snooze.

Woof Woof,
An old dog wheezing.
Staring at the television.
Eyes closing slowly.

Woof. Woof.
An ancient dog sleeping.
Hoarse breathing shaking chest.
Final days laid out on balnket.

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