Francis Duggan Poems

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The Aerial Display

The crowd in the park look upwards and shout a hip hooray
At the passing of the Air Force fighter jets in an aerial display
And again they fly above the crowd to another loud encore
Eight fighter jets in unison and how their engines roar.

Don'T Ask Politicians

Don''t ask Politicians about poverty they do not wish to know
They do quite well for themselves their nest eggs grow and grow
They command such huge salaries with huge perks on the side
And it is to their advantage to show their National pride.

Pro Hart

A miner from Broken Hill he came up the hard way
The famous artist Pro Hart is one who died today
One of Australia's greatest artists his legend will live on
Though the World is ever changing and the life from him has gone.

What Others Say About Me

What others say about me why should I even care
Since many in their judgements of others seem unfair
I've nothing to feel ashamed of yet my own worth I deny
And that there are many like me I really wonder why?

A Homesick Refugee

So tall dark and lean looking and so light on his feet
One must feel were he so inclined he would make a great athlete
But in his mid to late thirties he's past his physical prime
And he like all the rest of us is losing out to time.

In Nature

In Nature there's always something on which to write
Like dainty white butterflies in the sunlight
In the Town Park flitting from flower to flower
They age by three human years at the turn of each hour.

Their Tolerant Society

You talk of your tolerant society those different to us we do tolerate
But from them we will keep our distance and none of them will be our mate
They do not invite us to their parties and we will not invite them to ours
We are not like the plants of the garden where the weeds always mix with the flowers.

Failure Should Not Be A Shame

This penning verse for many people in truth is a hungry belly game
Without any financial reward or even a slight bit of fame
So many novelists and playwrights and poets trying to build for themselves a name
At least they are having a go and failure should not be a shame.


Goodbye to Mick and Jerry good bye to Joe and Jane
Our time has come for parting we may never meet again
We laughed and we made merry but all good times must end
And thank you for your friendship you were my trusted friends.

He's Far From Dead

He's far from dead his heart is ticking
Although he looks like one near death
No he's very much alive and kicking
There's lots of living in him yet.

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