George Hunter Poems

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001 Light Beer

There was a gal from Timbuktu
Who got drunk every time she drank one brew.
I said, I understand your plight
So instead just drink a Miller Lite.

New Mattress

I was having trouble sleeping the other day.
Couldn't go to sleep when I hit the hay.
So I went to the store and bought a brand new sack
Hoping to relieve the pain in my back.

Christmas At The Big-K

At Christmas she went to K Mart
Which wasn’t very smart.
She got in the way
Of a mob that day

Nursery Rhymes Revisited

As I was walking down the street
A man from Ives I chanced to meet.
I said, You're not real, you're from a rhyme
That as a child I read one time.

Tall Tales

I like to reread those tall tales
That I first heard as a kid
About God making the world
And all the other things he did.

Elegy To A Chicken

Here today and gone tomorrow
In this world of strife and sorrow.

Went out to check on the chickens today

Southside Chicago Blues

Stumbled out of bed this mornin'
Don't know where I been.
Don't know what the haps last night
But it must have been a sin.

One Ball

There was a young man from St. Paul
Who found he had only one ball
He said we can use it
But we better not lose it

Love Me Like You Used To

Love me like you used to
When we were so young
With stars in our eyes
And our songs yet unsung.

His Last Wishes

My name is Bud and I have one thing to say.
If you'll do this for me it will make my day.
When I die I have but one behest
Consider it my last request.

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