gershon hepner Poems

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Poetry And Prayer

isn’t interesting enough
to be put into poetry it’s not worth saying;
if writing poetry makes life too tough,
you cannot solve your problem writing prose or praying.

How Admirable The Stately Trees

How admirable the stately trees
that make no sound until a blast
of wind in autumn makes them sneeze,
as on the ground their leaves they cast.

Hazel Eyes

She tells me that her eyes are hazel,
but the color green, like basil,
is her favorite, it seems.
Eyes provoke a lover’s dreams

Soar, Don'T Settle

Soar: although the sky is cool,
and all the earth, soar to Orion;
be strong, though not like ox or mule,
but independent as a lion.

Pyramus And Thisbe

Separated by a wall and then by death,
Pyramus, in love with Thisbe, is the paradigm,
in Ovid first, and then in Shakepeare’s shibboleth
that’s mispronounced by Bottom in crude prose and rhyme,

Solving Mysteries


Deep mysteries may be solved by analytic clarities,
but then dissolve as you dismantle their disparities,

Oh Nein, Oh Nein, Oh Nein

She said, “Oh nein, oh nein, oh nein! ”
and since she was a German girl.
he wouldn’t do what seemed not fine
to her, a charming chap, no churl.

I Caught This Morning Morning's Minyan

I caught this morning morning’s minyan
in the beth hamidrash where
ten men give God His dominion
which He is prepared to share


They only fruit when they are sure
that they are bound to die,
and only threat of death will lure
most mushrooms to your pie.

Bialik's Bird

Peace on your return, delightful bird,
by my window from a warmer clime;
your voice is just as welcome as a word
of winter warmth recalling summertime.

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