Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
From Russian Military Radio Chatter (Italian Sonnet)

The Russian army without fuel are stuck,
without air-support under heavy fire,
the circumstances become really dire,
death comes to tank, armoured car and truck

The Rain Is Whirling (English Sonnet) 3

(for Annelize, after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

Far in the distance blue-white lightning falls,
as some more flashing thunder with raindrops

The Crucifixion (Sestets)

In that night He did not sleep
Peter tried away from him to keep.
while the cock crowed he did God betray
made an oath and in haste did turn away.

Old Joe Biden Went To Poland (Couplets)

"Blessed are they that do his commandments,
that they may have right to the tree of life,
and may enter in through the gates into the city.
For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators,

To Me You Did Suddenly Bring Great Gladness (English Sonnet)

Very early you called this morning,
outside fluttered and cooed a dove,
you caught me with surprise without warning,
remain to eternity forever my love.

The Ghost Of Kiev (Italian Sonnet)

During the Russian war in the Ukraine
from retirement colonel Oleksandr Oksancheko came.
The Americans said his antics was from a game
but the legend of the "Ghost of Kiev" does remain.

Much Closer To My Soul (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize, in answer to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

Your talks with me and your tears and laughter,
bonded you so much closer to my soul.

The Russian Sniper: 'bagir' Is Captured (Italian Sonnet)

Irinu Starikov, code name: Bagir, did murder
forty people including civilians since 2014,
as someone icy-blooded and very mean,
the Ukrainian government has hunted for her.

I Know3

(for Annelize)

It's in the most beautiful light that I do you see:
that you are destined for me and I realize,

Patron (Italian Sonnet)

I see a Jack Russell in safety-gear
sniffing around as a dog of my own,
to whom the location of a landmine is known
and this little dog is without any fear

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