Gert Strydom Poems

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The Spiritus Mundi is hell bent
to take with force and not to earn
and blood letting is loosened everywhere:


Layers vapour against the window
while the rain
fall for days long without end
and I see forked lightning

Sometimes When I Kneel Down In Prayer

Sometimes when I kneel down for prayer in church
she comes with small tottering steps,
folds her two small arms around me
and for moments the prayer of the chief elder ends

Everywhere I Searched For The Words

Everywhere I searched for the words
to express the depth of my true love to you
and nowhere could I find it in a book,
I could not even say the right words,

Everywhere I Searched For The Words [1]

Everywhere I searched for the words
to express the depth of my true love to you
and nowhere could I find it in a book,
I could not even say the right words,

In The Depth Of Your Heart It Is (English Sonnet)

In this world where there is constant decay,
we mortals search for an immortal thing
while illness and age sweeps life away
as if in science it's somewhere hiding

It's As If The Sea Is Confined

It's as if the sea is confined
where it breaks and hits in front of us
and just as unobserved
you keep standing next to me

Like Frangipanis

Like frangipanis do twist to become one
you are attached to my life
and you bring bright colours to each day,
you even fix the bad times.

To The Crossing Point

Is there somewhere where everything comes together,
where all roads and place join,
where adults gather like children,
when man can find God,

The Earth Feels Rocky

The earth feels rocky, terribly hard,
when the pick-axe and the crowbar hits ironstone
and here a man stands separate from a child
when thundering blows strike downward,

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