Gert Strydom Poems

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Now In Me Only The Longing Does Remain

In my head your last smile lingers
where it did come from your heart and soul
at a time when you regarded me as your own husband,
and I knew what things held meaning to you.

I Live In The Hardship That Your Actions Brought

The spring-rain is falling tonight,
the smell of wet ground is in the air,
thunder roars with its blue-white light

That We Truly Will Be A Husband And Wife

My Lord, I come to You in Your omnipotence,
You know how things are between my wife and I,
how I miss her during the day and night,
that I do not know what to expect from her,

With You

(After John Clare)
With you I go to bed and do awake
but alone I am and you are not here

In Me Remains The Longing For You

Outside the flowers in garden and the lawn
are drenched from all the rain
and the water gathers in puddle to puddle
while sheets of fog fades everything.

Although Perfect Images Come To My Mind (English Sonnet)

A slight breeze stirred through the new green grass
that sprouted after the first spring showers,
time did far too quickly in the veldt pass
while we both were looking for small flowers,

With Detecting-Sight I Want To Look

From the right way I must not deviate,
in the bright day it's night to me:
in my soul a groan, m my spirit lamentation
while you do evade me day by day.

I Do Not Understand For A Time Undone

My Lord, I ask that you give me life,
that You do determine my days over again.
I am a sinner and punished severely
where now purposeless I wander through life

You Come To Me (English Sonnet)

(after Christina Georgina Rossetti)

You come to me during the night
at day are present in my greatest fears,

The Soft Glance In Your Eyes

The soft glance in your eyes is still lingering,
there are memories that it brings back.
I have got an inability when you do set my days.
I hear a redbreast singing its heart out,

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