Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
There Lies As World Between Then And Now

(for Annelize, in answer to Lucia Welz)

There lies as world between then and now
where I now look at your photographs,

I Notice Little Christina

I notice little Christina sitting on a coach
with her cat Sonya in her arms,
the cat has green eyes and is brown and white
and something draws me to look closer:


(for Annelize, in answer to Elisabeth Eybers)

Next to the lake we are in each other's arms
and there it reflects images of you and me,

At The Marsh 3

(for Annelize)

In my mind's-eye you were with me
in the late afternoon at the marsh full of reeds,

Apocrypha: Psalm 90a

You do plan a wonderful new place
in another better time and space
where the child and lamb hides with the lion
and are save and welcome in the pit of the snake,

Despite a thousand soldiers and equipment,
reinforced by shipment after shipment,

some people will see it as past sheer madness,

Where All Of My Life For You I Have Waited (English Sonnet)

Your face by nature perfectly painted
is a backdrop for your eyes and passion,
where in love you are to me acquainted,
do follow your distinct kind of fashion,

Russia Tries To Decimate the Mariupol Survivors

Where Russia has obliterated Mariupol
by pounding it into dust,
with continuing shelling by howitzers,
missiles and rockets

Homecoming 2

Shadows throw enclaves the street full,
the wind rustles through bougainvilleas with thorns,
in the distance neon-lights gleam on the city's towers
and for the bright moon a dog howls and barks madly,

The Forced Abduction Of Ukrainian Children

On 17 June 2022 Mikhail Muzintsev,
head of the National Defence Control
Centre of the Russian Federation said:
'since the invasion 307423 children

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