Harindhar Reddy Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Boom-Boom, Lonely-Hearts Are In Gloom Hums A Red Flamingo

Eek! On the moonless sky, grey clouds are ashen and sober;
Trees are swaying helter-skelter with leaves tousled and sere
As west wind drives the minute nature in a conspirative plot,
voodooed by an autumn night, a lonesome pine in an orphic thought.

Bingo! I Met Julie In Elysian Fields (Limerick-20)

I met Julie in her farm with thrushes;
Robins and larks are crooning in bushes!
Lilac, dahlia blooms are sweet;
Pine, cedar and oak trees greet

Tally-Ho! Peace Hunt In The Himalayas (Limerick-15)

Climb Himalayas, find souls in cool breeze;
In you, Peace flows as sunshine into trees.
Wind blows freshness into you,
Sages share their energy with you

Gee! In The Woods, Bulbuls And Orioles Fly (Limerick-14)

Cluster of stars are blinking in the sky,
I can see blue, red and gold if I lie;
Myriad of heavenly sent lotus
Haloes in creek, Just focus

Mysterious Sultan Without Dukedom (Part-2)

Ho! He is no business Tycoon
Lo! He seems to be a modern buffoon!
No doubt, he is a ruler...
See! You made him a cane ruler.


</>Ships pass in the night speaks only a signal shown by choice
To other ships passing by – it’s a distant voice in the darkness;
Same as the ocean of life, one speaks by a look and a voice
To another then darkness again and silence in the duskiness.


October to December, you're my emerald and gold oh, my lovely amber!
Love is A, love is Z, A to Z, into love we fell in November...
Love is all - I live for you and I die for you with a label kissing;
I kiss you – a rosy dot placed on your lips with a sound hissing;

1) WWW.Ranadhir@forrago_carrefour#ratwar.co.in
at a go,

(1 & 2)
Belle for
you I tell -



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