Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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कवियोंको बहका देती है

सुबह हो जाने पर भी उठ ना पाया
किरणों ने भी चेहरे पर आतंक ढाया

Blame People

Whether in power
Or out of power
With majority
Or minority

Holi.. The Festival Of Colors

Whole of India is celebrating with colors
It is festival of pride and honor
People of all walks play it with fun
Colors are in hand and like bull they run

A Human To Human

How do the lies can help o develop our character? |
Can that serve in building our selves as better actor/
What type of shocks we have to bear thereafter?
Does that not bale our expectations and shatter?

Sincere Gratitude

Not poets alone but readers too
Is responsible part to pass through?


मौका फिर से सरक गया

कैसे, कैसे, कैसे में कह दू?
दिल की बाते, मुलाकातें और गुफ्तगू

Present Struggle

I was asking simple favor
Not big words with honor
But with little kind of recognition
That each poet or writer needed with appreciation

An Open Invitation

“You come to my fold, I shall take care”
I am omni present and can be seen anywhere
What does it matter if you cage me and confine?
Can anyone come forward and authoriatively define?

A Just Flash

Just flash of light
Something likes comet’s tail
Felled on track
No trace

A Preference To Hate

I would prefer and love to hate
Such thoughts come in mind very late
It makes me to wonder on so many counts
Minds goes in wilderness and simply hounds

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