Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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People Suffer

Largest continent on earth
Where takes place thousands of death
It is simple curse
We can watch helplessly of course

Permanent Impression

The wind gives you proper hint
Signal that can leave behind imprint
Of permanent impression
If done or not done with obsession

Just An Arm

It is good to draw lesson
It is equally important to mention
The inner bond with good relation
This is time it needs elevation

Gifted Soul

You are gifted soul
On this earth with lovely call
An almighty has chosen you messenger
Love the world and hate the anger

Enjoy As Union

Beauty is to please
Simple and beautiful eyes
With no more try
As it may shy

Sail Through Comfortably

Working women are wise
They do not to surprise
They are stubborn and tolerant
Their plight is dismal at present

Each Day New Day

I wake up each day
To find beautiful way
Pray sincerely to almighty
And get ready

Real Peace On Face

Love can not be explained
Love can not be waived
Love can not be discarded
Love can not be decided

Forgiveness Is

Forgiveness is great quality
Not all people are blessed with by almighty
Only few people really practice
They stick up to their demise

I Wished To Be

I had never dreamed
And assumed
That I should be rich
And world should be within my reach

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