Ima Ryma Poems

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Foreign Do View

Leaders of other nations called
Him a tyrant over his own.
Negotiations for peace stalled,
And war took toll on flesh and bone.

Recycle Flow

All life takes in water to live,
Flowing therein, doing its thing,
Then being exuded to give
To more life in a wondrous ring.

Food For Greed

A food bubble ready to burst?
Cuz speculators on Wall Street
Drive high food prices to their worst,
To bank big buck bets as we eat.


Heliocentrism dared to
State that the sun was center star,
And Earth just one of retinue
Revolving about, near and far.

Cub And Flub

Managing the Chicago Cubs -
The job awaits a schmuck once more.
One of the most infamous clubs
Of managing revolving door.

Frognaut Not

Ever since a tadpole, this frog
Wanted to rocket to the moon.
I dreamed of such a travelogue.
Such a trip became opportune,

Strix The Crooner

A new owl found in Oman,
Strix omanensis - maybe name,
Found by humans who get it on
With bird listening as the aim.

Stuart Sutcliffe

Stuart Sutcliffe played in a band
Called the Black Jack, then Quarry Men,
Then Johnny and the Moondogs, and
Stuart was playing the bass when

Chuckie - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Chuckie, the chimpanzee,
She of a troop of gals and guys.
Not so big and so strong I be,
So I have to be extra wise.

Croc's Eye - Lincoln Park Zoo

I'm the eye of the crocodile.
I see you first, then tell the tooth
To get the others in a smile.
A snack approaches - that's the truth.

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