Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Croc's Eye - Lincoln Park Zoo

I'm the eye of the crocodile.
I see you first, then tell the tooth
To get the others in a smile.
A snack approaches - that's the truth.

Vicious Circle

The ghetto, that's where he was born,
And that's where he was gonna die.
His life was something sad to mourn.
Death waited for its turn nearby.


I am the world's most famous frog.
Jim Henson made me what I am,
A handsome rag with dialogue,
Your host on the Muppet program.

Royal Proclamation

President Reagan and the Queen
Went for a horse ride at his ranch
The Queen's horse farted so obscene,
Causing Her Majesty to blanche.

Rags To Riches

I have been a beggar for years,
Up and down the city streets where
This here old gal best profiteers,
Asking the folks if they could spare

Morale Booster

Bob Hope gave soldiers fifty years
Of U.S.O. entertainment.
Through times of war and peace, the cheers
Charged Hope's heart wherever he went.


I am as happy as I tweet.
Vermont researchers tell me so,
As measured up all nice and sweet,
My keyed characters in a row.

Earhart Update

Amelia Earhart update,
New disappearance news appears
On the mystery of her fate,
Flying back 75 years.


I was born, and the only child.
Mom and Dad took good care of me.
But when I was ten, life went wild,
Changed forever my family.

The Mad Duck

Alex Karras, as a young kid
Did join the high school football team,
So older brother, Teddy, did
Not further smack his self esteem,

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