Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Informed Citizen Disorder

It's said that good citizenship
Is knowing the important news.
A daily merry-go-round trip
That oft does color us with blues.

Fong - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am the sun bear catching rays,
Ever sunning to stay bear buff.
Actually, I've a bright furred blaze
On my chest, and so the sun stuff.

Chuckie - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Chuckie, the chimpanzee,
She of a troop of gals and guys.
Not so big and so strong I be,
So I have to be extra wise.

Croc's Eye - Lincoln Park Zoo

I'm the eye of the crocodile.
I see you first, then tell the tooth
To get the others in a smile.
A snack approaches - that's the truth.

Last Departure

I remember those moments well;
Driving to the airport that day,
Hearing those news bulletins tell
Of a jet crash on a runway.

Grandchild By Marriage

Old Gramps still had a horn to toot.
While pursuing his wild night life,
He met a girl, both young and cute.
Soon after, they were man and wife.

Made Light

Tom Edison worked many years
Inventing the electric light.
While disbelievers made their jeers,
He kept on trying, day and night.

Family Acceptance

I was Mom and Dad's only child.
They raised me the best that they could.
I left for college. Things went wild.
My folks - they called it quits for good.


Bo was one of the family.
Rescued from a shelter, the pup
Was full of playful energy,
Ready for whatever was up.

Mistaken Identity

St. Peter went on holiday;
So Jesus stepped into his place.
The first man in line, old and grey,
Told Jesus facts to make his case,

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