Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ricko Weighs In - Lincoln Park Zoo

Ricko, the rhino, I am big,
Doing my weigh in, yes I do.
Getting weighed is part of my gig
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Evolution On Trial

1925, Tennessee,
The Scopes Monkey Trial did take place.
John Scopes, teacher, accused to be
A violator in a case

Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad - Lincoln Park Zoo

Oriental fire-bellied toad,
I do a belly up I do,
If I do get a threatened goad
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Conserving Trumpeter Swans - Lincoln Park Zoo

Trumpeter swans need help, they do,
To build their numbers in the wild.
Help does come from Lincoln Park Zoo,
So nature might be reconciled.

Diner Beware

Harry and Joe stop by to eat
At a diner, and put their coats
On a rack and then take a seat.
Joe notices a sign in quotes,

Hateful Son

My grown son still does live with me.
He has the basement to himself.
I worry what he's come to be,
Hate on his mind, guns on his shelf.

Madame Lalaurie

Madame LaLaurie, southern belle,
In her New Orleans mansion threw
Great lavish parties known so well,
An 1830's do to do.

Trick To Beat - Lincoln Park Zoo

A Jack O lantern's found its way
Into my habitat to make
A Happy Halloween display
In the home of this rattlesnake.

Lioness All Ears - Lincoln Park Zoo

This lioness does love to hear
The music from a violin.
So when some young humans played near,
I took each and ev'ry note in.

Tall Order For Finely - Lincoln Park Zoo

"Pick up for Finely, " I do hear,
And that means ready be my lunch.
Ah yes, my salad does appear,
And I of course begin to munch.

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