James Bredin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pompous Parole Boards

Why are they released after doing two thirds of their time?
Means a substantial reduction in a court sentence for a crime,
And the bureaucratic Parole Board believe that this is great,
Proud politicians are not interested in this debate.

Canadian Fearful Death,2012

I've known far too many great people who are now long dead,
Some did it painfully without much dignity, which I dread,
And our politicians, priests and judges think this is how it should be,
This was how Sue Rodriguez got her Supreme Court decree.

Old Comrades Oct 17th,2012

Some of my old comrades got sick and are now long dead,
Names written on graveyard stones and stories in my head,
At association meetings where all our memories are fading fast,
And I sometimes wonder, how much longer these good times will last.

Don'T Scream Too Loud Oct 18th,2012

No one in Ottawa pays attention no matter how loud you scream,
Aristocrats with titles and letters after their names on a team,
And death with dignity is not part of their party agenda,
They're busy at the moment in the Conga or maybe Uganda.

The Date Of Your Death Not Oct 19th,2012

There is a date somewhere in our future when you and I will die,
There's nothing we can do about this and I don't know why,
Because death with dignity is forbidden in this great land,
And nothing will change, and this the appointees still understand.

A Canadian Election... May 26th,2013

An election is a very expensive five-year affair,
But Canadians don’t have to vote so few of us go there,
No proportional representation so not sure if it’s fair,
And If we’re not sure, we have to hide our utter despair.

Every Canadian Hospital... May 25th,2013

Every hospital should have a room where sick people can go to die,
And get doctor assisted-suicide with family and say goodbye,
This notion is forbidden by every religion known,
Though they preach high and mighty from a pulpit; they never condone.

Selling The Building... Sept 7th,2013


The Pulpit Or Tv... Sept 9th,2013

The death-with-dignity issue is treated as though its a major sin,
Where politicians and bureaucrats think that they cannot win,
They have listened to the preacher and this is what he said,
It could be a serious mortal sin if you make yourself dead.

Our Charter Of Rights... May 23rd,2013

Our Charter of Rights was written by Pierre Trudeau as best man,
For everyone on earth in a politically correct plan,
No death with dignity or proportional representation,
No requirement to vote but lots of strange litigation.

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