Jeffrey Liminsang

Jeffrey Liminsang Poems


To find peace one must be at peace with themselves
To find peace there should be no conflict that can involves violence
To find peace there should always be a solution to solve a problem
To find peace there should always be kindness

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s rose?
Thou art more exquisite and more restrain:
Rough winds do shake the long and lank flowers,
And summer’s rose hath all too short a life:

Shall I compare thee to a starry night?
Thou art more intense and more glisten:
Rough winds do shake the sleek and vivid stars,
And starry night hath too short of a night:

Shall I compare thee to a spring day?
Thou art more charming and more elegant:
Rough winds do shake the blossom buds,
And spring flowers hath all too short of a story:

Shall I compare thee to a rainy day?
Thou art more depressing and gloomier:
Rough winds do shake the falling tears of the heavens,
And rainy days hath all too long of a season:

Shall I compare thee to a winter’s night?
Thou art more pleasant and more control:
Rough winds do shake the falling flakes of winter,
And winter’s lease hath all to long of a vigour:

Romance may last for a while
But love will last for all eternity
And since love is from Romance
It will have a special meaning

Shall I compare thee to a sunny day?
Thou art more radiant and more exquisite:
Rough winds do shake the ray of heavens,
And sunny days hath all too short of a time:

Shall I compare thee to a fall day?
Thou art more beauty and more lovely:
Rough winds do shake the dying leaves of summer,
And fall hath too long of a phase:

Shall I compare thee to a mid-summer day?
Thou art more pretty and more endless:
Rough winds do shake the beloved blossom of June,
And mid-summer hath all too short of a vitality:

Shall I compare thee to a snowy day?
Thou art milder and more stunning:
Rough winds do shake the flakes of winter,
And winter’s lease hath all too long a date:

Let the rain kiss you
Let the wind hug you
Let the sun warm you
Let the earth and snow cool you

Shall I compare thee to a dark winter night?
Thou art more complex and more constant:
Rough winds do shake the circular and beaming moon,
And winter’s lease hath all too long a date:

Shall I compare thee to a romantic night?
Thou art more glorious and more stunning:
Rough winds do shake thy beauty and thy loveliness,
And romantic night hath all too short of a date:

Shall I compare thee to a shooting star?
Thou art more captivating and more composed:
Rough winds do shake thy glorious grace,
And thy cosmos hath too short a of a term:

First love is a never ending thing
We will always remember our first love even when we least expect it
First love can last for eternity or fade as life goes on
And if we forget to remember what it is like to fall in love for the first time all the memories and feeling will come rushing back

Death can strike when we least expect it
Death is a significant event that will change our lives
Death will cause sorrow, depression, grief, and loneliness
Death is like the ending cycle of one's life and a beginning for another

To have peace there must be war
To have freedom there must be peace
To have peace there must be love
To have love there must be friendship

I am a wandering soul

I am a wandering soul
Looking for a soul mate

The Best Poem Of Jeffrey Liminsang


To find peace one must be at peace with themselves
To find peace there should be no conflict that can involves violence
To find peace there should always be a solution to solve a problem
To find peace there should always be kindness
To find peace one must desire peace
To have peace in the world one must strive hard in order to achieve peace
With peace there should be no more violence, anger, hatred, war, families torn apart, and anguish
With peace there will be unity, families are together, love is in the air, happiness is all around the world, and in our hearts as well

Jeffrey Liminsang Comments

Jeffrey Liminsang Quotes

To engage in battle, One must know oneself, Believing in oneself, And to overcome one's own obstacles

It is sometimes hard to cross that bridge, try something new, or make that change. But once you do, you will realize that things are usually never as bad as we imagine. - Michelle C. Ustaszeski -

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