Jimmy L. Lyons

Jimmy L. Lyons Poems

This is the song of my life; I want to do this right.
I wish it were like the mountains, drinking from cool clear fountains;
but my life is cold, and the mess I'm in is getting old.

I saw a beautiful woman;
I saw her beautiful smile.
It was in church one Sunday afternoon;
and that smile you could see for a mile.

I want you to come to my open windows,
and pretend you're one of my heroes;
your support can help me bear the pain,
and like the New Edition I can stand the rain.

I love this beautiful morning;
I can taste the morning breeze.
I know it can change without warning,
but for now my mind's at ease.

I am so blessed to have you, I love you so.
I am so blessed to have you, that's so true.
You make me want to sing harmony;
I pray for you every morning and night,

You are my sweet Rose from the garden.
The night is young - let's have some fun;
because you, my little brown sugar, are my sweet Rose.

My blessings to you, my love.
You are the wild flowers in my garden; you are the light of my moon;
you are the love of my life.

Great you are clothed with honor and majesty;
you cover yourself with light as with garments,
and stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

Blessed be the Lord God;
my lips shall greatly rejoice.
When I sing to you, I will sing with the harp.
My tongue shall also speak of your righteousness

My spirit is so sweet and fruitful,
I don't want to stop chasing the rain.
I don't want to go through all this pain,
but I have no choice.

The words of the Lord are a pure as silver,
tested in the furnace of earth.
Oh Lord my God, open my eyes;
I have trusted in your mercy,

I am hungry for the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
and with joy I draw water from the wellspring of salvation.
I cry out for strength and awareness from the mouth of the Lord.

I see you at breakfast in the morning, my love,
and I see that you are even sweeter than the night before.
The sight of you makes me want your love;
I don't want food, I just want you.

Baby, you're the apple of my eye; you're so sweet.
You're sweeter than raspberry juice, sweeter than honey or jam.
You put a song in my heart

Sweetie Pie, the night is young.
Baby doll, my heart melts like butter for you.
Let's groove tonight;
I want to taste your chocolate kisses all night long.

Oh Lord, strengthen me according to your Word.
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
My lips shall utter praise, my tongue shall speak of your Word.

There once was a woman who was single but not alone.
She loved the Lord; she was a woman of God.
She was looking for love and wanted to have happiness in her life.
She needed somebody in her life: somebody who cared about her, somebody who would be there for her, somebody who could make her happy.

After the rain, the rainbow helps me ease the pain.
I want to see the light; we don't have to put up a fight.
I want to see the rainbow – the rainbow of love.

I've got to get something off my chest; I want to put this to rest.
I want to conquer the mountain, I want to drink from the fountain.
I have tears in me.

I'm trying to keep real -
going through some trials,
going through some pain.
Still chasing away the pain.

The Best Poem Of Jimmy L. Lyons

Spiritual Journey

This is the song of my life; I want to do this right.
I wish it were like the mountains, drinking from cool clear fountains;
but my life is cold, and the mess I'm in is getting old.

I don't want to go through the hurt; I need to get back to church.
I don't want to be thrown under the bus, or be left in somebody's dust.
Most people don't know how I feel, how badly I need to heal.

I just want to sing my song - been out in the storm for too, too long;
If this is my spiritual journey, I surely don't want to tweet it.
I'm so hungry for the Word; my prayers have got to be heard.

When Chaka Khan sings "Through the Fire" I feel my soul's desire,
is to somehow stop the pain, and to relieve some of my strain.
It's time to let go, let God, and start my spiritual journey.

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