Joanne Kearsey

Joanne Kearsey Poems

Facing the world with a heart as hard as stone,
No emotions linger in this canvas that bears no soul,
Stating the obvious to be hated by all,
As this psychopathic daze buries me in a deeper hole.

The shards of life piece together to make us incomplete,
Without rules we are lost in a maze of despair,
Trapped amongst the branches that hold us up,
But what do we do with all the evil clowns at the town fair.

Smiling confuses people because then they think we're happy,
Falling into sleeplessness as the shadows start to dance and play,
Watch out for the bugs as they tend to bite,
And just by chance they might steal you away.

Broken words are forgotten in the silence of the past,
Another face awakens to the secrets that are wiped clean,
The message repeats itself as the voice grows louder,
And we are slowly becoming this rusted machine.

Facing the world with your soul stripped bare
Coming forth into a world full of mystery
Believing in something that isn't real until now
As it is the only thing left to see

Inscribing our names into each other so we are not forgotten,
Waiting for judgement day to come and fade away again,
Our lives no longer amongst the secrets of the past,
Becoming what we wanted to be at the age of ten.

Overcome by the angels below as they succeed in temptation,
Blindness ceasing this restless mind as it decays through numbness,
Losing motion whilst becoming senseless to the life that walks before me,
But this peace and tranquility dies before me in an honest directness.

Happened to be there by chance as always,
Not like the others I have become tired and slow,
Making this choice from variations that are not there,
Small, neat and rounded to the simplicity of a virtue,

By saying less you are speaking too much in words that can never be described,
It has become a halfway house between truth and fiction from the illumination of nothing more than the moon.

Into this space,

Trapped in the walls that teach,
I no longer want o be here,
Stressed out, tired out
and spent out of energy,

It seems like forever since I have seen you last,
But how long is forever really?
Is it the seconds that slip by when we don't realize it?
Or is it the hours that we spend alone in our own minds pondering this query?

I cannot settle to sleep to forget the day ahead,
I long for a day where there is no pain or sorrow,
There will be a day with no sadness of this soul,
Gone and forgotten are the memories of yesterday but not tomorrow.

Faking it till I make it is destroying me from the inside out,
The smiles that used to help now rips my face apart,
I can't and I won't cave in just yet,
But this distance is slowly crushing my heart.

I know I can't run from it all as it will always just follow me,
Even if I did I wouldn't get too far either way,
I'm always ready to fight if pushed,
But it's not in my nature to hurt others, but I don't do things half ways.

Have I taken my keys with me?
Did I take my medication?
I can't remember from one moment to the next,
But in losing you there is no comparison.

When the silence is all that's left, we just need to let it sink in.
There is nothing more to life right now to let it swallow you whole,
We have the memories, we have the love, we have the years,
We need this time to heal what is left of our broken soul.


I cry, but there are no tears,
I scream, and yet there is no sound,
The only sound that comes is the bones creaking,
I can't fall any more, there is nothing to save me from the frigid ground.

This mask that I wear to show you I'm okay is cracking,
I take these pills to dull the ache inside, but it's starting to scream again,
The voices aren't there anymore, but I can hear them whispering in the distance,
No one wants to listen, so what am I supposed to do then?


I want to run away from all that I know and into the unknown darkness,
Although it's not that unknown, it doesn't terrify me, it saddens me,
I'm just tired of the expectations of everyone else around me,
The decisions don't feel like my own anymore, why can't they all leave me be.

They've taken my words from me,
They've taken my mind from me,
But they cannot have my body again,
These hands are mine to fight with to be free.

Joanne Kearsey Biography

Home Care Worker, trying artist.)

The Best Poem Of Joanne Kearsey


Facing the world with a heart as hard as stone,
No emotions linger in this canvas that bears no soul,
Stating the obvious to be hated by all,
As this psychopathic daze buries me in a deeper hole.

Plodding along this path that never seems to end,
Rebuilding the life I started so long ago,
Time goes so fast when I want it to go slower,
But speeding up until the last person we'll never know.

My head rules the portion of my heart that is still alive,
leading me to a place that is filled with so much hate,
Consuming the evil that plagues my mind,
But in the process it has ended all chance of my fate.

Everyone is a hostage of their own guilt,
As everyone is a suspect of telling these lies,
The sum of all fears begins with you as always,
And it remains as boundless as the skies.

Running around in circles to find your sense of direction,
Falling in front of an open door,
Ransoms held as you become predator instead of prey,
And you will the one left dead on the floor.

My childhood wasted on a pathetic being like you,
Rolling back into my forbidden corner,
You are now the last of the killer suspects,
And I am the one who knows no loner.

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